
There are about 200 million people living in Pakistan, and about 97% are Muslim. It is not usually thought of when doing Christian missionary work, but the Lord loves the people of Pakistan and He is doing great things for them. One-by-one, we continue to see new converts to the Lord and hungry souls accepting the Message of the hour.

The following is a testimony from Brother Shamoon Yaqoob, VGR office manager, of an elderly sister wanting baptism and two trinitarian ministers, who after spending time reasoning over the Word, came to baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am so glad to be writing you about one more soul that accepted Lord Jesus Christ as savior. Sister Venus is 70 years old and she was attending regular services with us, but last week she told me, “I want to receive water baptism.” I taught her about the water baptism, and then we went to the sea with her family and I baptized her in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

She was so glad after baptism and very grateful to Lord Jesus Christ for His amazing grace that she got salvation in this age. Praise the Lord!


It's very good news that two trinity believer ministers accepted the Message of hour after hearing and reading the messages of our prophet.

Pastor Ilyas Karnal was working with his church for 34 years, but after hearing the truth of Bible, he and his congregation received the end-time Message. Pastor Ilyas and evangelist Paloos visited our office, and I told them about water baptism in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ from the book of our prophet (The Godhead Explained). After two hours they said, “We are ready for water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Then we went to sea and I re-baptized them in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

The Message of eternal life is finding the lost souls here in Pakistan. We are so glad pastor and his congregation accepted the end-time message. The message of hour is reaching to unreached.

Thank you and may God richly bless you.

Brother Shamoon


Here are a few pictures from a recent distribution trip taken by the brothers in Pakistan.
