
We received this testimony as feedback to our Memories article posted on November 7.

This also reminds me of what happened to me when I was 18 years old. I had gone to visit my elder sister in another city, and on the second day of my visit, my brother-in-law fell sick. That day he was supposed to go work at the church site, as it was under construction. So he sent me to work on his behalf, and I was given a bicycle for me to ride.

While riding on a steep slope, I failed to negotiate a turn, and I ended up falling from the bridge of a big river. Later on I noticed that one of my hands was severely broken to such extent, it was not repairable due to serious damage to the bones.

My helpers were so afraid to even touch it. Upon my arrival at the hospital, the doctors recommended that my hand had to be chopped off, as there was no hope for it to recover and function again. But I protested to say, “The Lord is gonna make this arm function again.”

I tried to pull the severely broken arm with the other hand, and later on, I asked if they could put a hard bandage over it, which they did. I prayed to the Lord for His saving power to heal my hand. After a week, my hand started getting blood flowing again, and as of today, my hand is as strong as ever and I am able to do any other type of manual work with it.

I thank the Lord for He is still an answering God when we pray to Him.

Brother Bakali
