
What does your influence mean? It meant a lot to this young man in Brazil, who was told to clean up his life. He didn’t take it seriously at first, but a believer witnessed to him about Brother Branham, and then told him again to clean up his life. He took the advice the second time and saw the results. Here is the testimony from the brother who witnessed to him.

Beloved and precious brothers in Christ Jesus, I am grateful to God for miracles in our lives and for helping people who trust and believe in God.

I work in telecommunications networking as technical monitor, and on my team there is a young man named Anderson, who was having problems with his wife because she always complained of a pain in the right side of her stomach. After going to several doctors, they did not find the problem of his wife.

One day we were working together in a neighborhood close to my home. I felt in my heart to call Anderson and a brother in the Lord for lunch. To my surprise, Anderson accepted the invitation. After lunch, we started talking about Jesus and Brother Branham. At home I have a photo of our prophet with the Pillar of Fire upon his head, and I explained to Anderson what that Pillar of Fire meant, and what God did through this prophet and is still doing with the Message sent to our hearts.

About four months ago, I had talked to the young man and told him to make a cleaning in his home and God would bless him. This time in my house, again he told me he did not know what to do because his wife still had the same problems. I asked him if he had done what I had advised. He replied no, but that this time he was going to do it.

To summarize, yesterday we were working together and he asked me if I remembered that I asked him to clean up his life. I said, “Yes, I remember.” So he told me that God answered his prayers and that his wife was no longer in pain in the stomach. This after doing a cleaning, because I told him he needed to expose the Token in his house.

He said his wife previously had received a report from the doctor stating that she could not bear children. At that moment, the young man began to cry, saying that his wife is pregnant. Praise God, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and eternally.

May God bless His Bride in the Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.

