A Destroyer?

How many times have each of us said, “Lord, I can’t do anything right. Why do I mess everything up?”

This young brother was feeling that way when he asked for a little help. Yes, the Lord gave him the help he needed, and magnified the blessing many times over by allowing all of us to read the testimony. This will put a smile on your face.

I never knew it is so REAL my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS. I had been visiting this website since July last year, and I enjoy the testimonies of you brethren. Anytime I visit the site and read the daily quotes and testimonies, it just renews my spirit and increases my faith.

I live with my uncle and his wife who are all believers. I am known to be a destroyer. Why? Because anything new that is brought to the house gets spoiled in my hands, especially when my aunty gives me any new dress to iron. It gets burned in my hands.

This repeated last week, Sunday, when she had a new dress and brought it for ironing. About four minutes into ironing, I burnt the new dress, which increased my frustration. “Why always me, Lord?” was my question, and I indeed cried within myself because I could not contain it again.

The devil again brought that destruction thing today. This morning at around 5:30am I took a new mobile (phone) that was bought for my brother to browse. So I opened this site (branham.org) and the first thing I did was to read the daily quote where Brother Branham talked about David and Goliath. So my faith increased.

Some minutes later this phone fell from my hand onto the ground and the screen refused to function. Knowing what I would go through if my brother and aunty gets to know that this new phone, too, got spoilt in my hands, I became more tense up frustrated. Then I remembered the daily quote I read about ten minutes ago, where Brother Branham said that cancer is the Goliath. And I remembered the Scripture which says you come up against me with sword, spears, and shield, but I come against you in the NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS. Then I went into prayer, reminding the Lord for His words that I had just read. The devil would come to me with spoiling of this phone, and my name would be mentioned as a destroyer again.

“Lord, I need a testimony now, and the demonstration of Your power.” I believed within my heart that something was going to happen right there. I switched the phone on and off about thrice, but the third time the Lord had defeated my Goliath for me. The phone's screen came back functioning as normal as it could be. And this is the phone I am using to write the testimony to His Glory. What would I have done without the man JESUS CHRIST? I am more than excited brethren. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, FOR HE IS ALIVE AND NOT DEAD.

Brother Emmanuel
