
And then we never know just what we're doing, what influence, what we're doing, is having upon others. The Bible said, "We are written epistles, read of all men." That is, your life reads so loud to the public, until your testimony, if it's contrary to your life, is without any effect. It's what you are inside of you, that people read; not so much what you say, but what you are, see. You can pin something on somebody, say, "This is that, and so forth," but your life being different from what they say, your testimony of your life is louder than the testimony that someone could say something about you. Yeah. So just keep that on mind, that we're bringing influences every day, and the life that you live proves what's on the inside of you. You cannot change that. It reflects. Every person reflects, outside, what he is inside.

And if we take the testimony of being Christians, I think that that is one of the most solemn things that a man or a woman, boy or girl, could do, would. When he takes on the Name of Christ, that he is going to be a representative of Christ, you should watch every move you make, because somebody is watching you.

63-1130B Influence

There are many ways we influence those around us, and many times when we least expect it. It's in our hearts to always to share the Good News wherever the Lord leads. We always want to say the right thing and explain the Word so that anyone listening will give his or her heart to the Lord. But more often than not, the best witness we have to others is not what we say, but how we act. This brother preached a powerful sermon as he took care of his handicapped son. With his sermon preached, one person came forward to receive what this man had. How important was his influence? 

Greetings saints,

My wife and I with my handicapped son, who is 36 years old, were walking in the park in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan enjoying the beautiful day. When suddenly my son had an epileptic seizure (which since his birth he's had thousands) after which occasionally he'll turn aggressive. So my wife stayed her distance and I took him by the hand and walked up to a park bench and sat down to rest a bit.

I then asked him if I should read something from the Bible, to which he agreed. I turned to the book of Psalms and read a chapter or two, and then took him by the hand and started to pray with him. About twenty or thirty steps from where we were sitting was a group of three women sitting talking and eating their lunch it looked like. And while I was praying they walked up to my park bench, talking and laughing and discarded their garbage into a container set at the end of my bench. I just kept on praying audibly, and they got into their cars and drove away.

After I finished praying, I took my son by the hand and suggested we take another loop around the park, which would take us roughly 12 to 15 minutes. We came back to the car, and while I was strapping him into his seat belt, a car pulled up beside me and a young girl, perhaps 20 or 22 years, old got out and walked up to us. She was emotionally disturbed and said, "I just couldn't get away. When I saw you sitting there and praying with your son it so moved me." Then she started wiping her tears. She said, "I just had to come and tell you how I admired it and how it affected me."

I started to talk to her about the Lord and if she'd ever heard of Brother Branham. She never had. She told me she was here from Germany working with some natives. So I shared with her the type of ministry Jesus had, the discernment, etc., and compared it to Brother Branham and a repeat of the ministry of John the Baptist. I then gave her a couple of evangelistic Message books of Brother Branham with a CD inside and instructed her to listen to that discernment at the end of the service, and see if it isn't an exact repeat of the ministry of Christ.

We exchanged names, shook hands, she thanked us, wiped her tears, got back in her car, and drove away. I thought of the message, "Influence." I pray for her every now and then, and trust we will meet her again with the redeemed on the other side.

What a privilege and joy it is to walk in this Light. May God help us all to reflect It more and more.

Brother Walt