A Double Testimony

The Word of God is timeless. Whether it was preached 60 years ago or 2,000 years ago, the Gospel is meant to apply to our lives, today. These are two testimonies of the same healing, from the same sermon. Coincidence? We don't think so. 

I want to share a testimony. It’s actually my husband's, but if he shares it too it will only give more glory to the Lord! My husband has been getting nose bleeds for the last month or so, and wouldn't you know it, the other night right in church it started to bleed. He had to run out to the rest room to get it stopped, but it just so happened it was during the tape "Leadership.” He said he thought to himself he'd text me in church to have them pray for him, that his nose would stop bleeding. About that time someone interrupted Brother Branham on the tape, and asked him to pray for someone who was out with a nosebleed!

It soon stopped and he came back and enjoyed the rest of the service, and he didn't even have to use his phone! Hallelujah! He accepted his healing for the nosebleeds to stop for good, not just that night!

Take that devil!

Sister Sherry


Dear Brothers and Sisters, I felt to share this testimony for the glory of God. For some time now, I have been having nosebleeds. Last month, while making my morning coffee and listening to the message (65-1207)"Leadership," my nose started bleeding.

Being used to it by now and not being too concerned, I just grabbed a paper towel, pinched my nose and tilted my head back, and continued making coffee with my free hand. At that exact moment, Brother Branham stopped speaking as someone handed him a note.

All right, sir. [Brother Branham is handed a note—Ed.]: “Please have prayer, for a lady in here now is bleeding at the nose.”

Let us pray:

Dear God, I ask You, Lord, Thou art the—the great Healer and I ask that Your grace and mercy will touch this dear woman just now and stop that blood. As a believing people who assembled together, the lady has come here to enjoy the Word of the Lord and the fellowship of the people, and I ask You, Lord, just now, to rebuke the enemy and stop the blood. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (And we believe it, we believe it.)

65-1207 Leadership

I threw down the paper towel, and raised my hand and I praised the Lord Jesus! The bleeding stopped immediately! I have not had another nose bleed. This Message is truly the Living Word! The Voice of God to us! Revealing Himself personally to us! Praise God!

God bless you,

Sister Mary

Tucson, Arizona