
We received this testimony from a sister who, for some unknown reason, woke up one morning and she had lost her hearing.

Our GOD is very simple and is always there and willing to listen whenever or wherever! I had a sudden hearing loss that happened one morning when I woke up. So, I waited throughout the day, and realizing now that I feel so silly for not asking right away for my hearing to return and accepting it.

The next day I went into the clinic and I prayed before going in. The LORD had mercy and gave me a doctor that was simple and easy to talk to, without having to ask a question multiple times in different ways. The doctor gave me some advice on taking an allergy medication which I could buy over the counter rather than having him prescribe me something, which would have been the more expensive route.

So, I went home and told my husband what the doctor recommended, and I had to wait until next payday to get the allergy medication. Well you know how the LORD is, so wonderful and attentive, and just always there talking with us personally. Later that night I was sitting down and I had grabbed a water bottle from the fridge to drink. As I was sitting there, before I opened it, I placed it on my forehead. Then I heard that still small voice of HIS say, "Now put it on your ear." I did so without thinking about it, and as I was sitting there with the cold water bottle against my left ear, I closed my eyes and I heard, "Now what do you hear?" I tilted my head with the water bottle still against my ear, moving left to right, and I heard the water hit against the bottle.

Now, all day and the day before, I had not heard a single sound except for a ring. I would rub my fingers against my ear to see if I could hear it, and nothing. I snapped and nothing. Nothing I did was able to break through for me to hear, a total loss.

As I was sitting there with the water bottle against my ear, moving side to side, I had a smile on my face because I remembered back to when I was a child in the summer time, and when I would get so hot and bored that I would listen to the water hit the side of the bottle. Then I opened my eyes and realized that I could hear it, and the more I held it there just relaxing, the more my hearing was starting to come back.

I am glad to say that today I awoke and I have my hearing back completely! Oh, the enemy can be so loud that it makes you wonder… Doubt, worry and everything that can make us feel like we’re getting hit with rotten garbage while tied up to a pole for everyone to laugh at. I am glad that my LORD gave HIS life for me and I accept HIM and HIS provided way. HE sure does know how to take care of HIS own! I cannot wait until we all get to go home! I love you all and GOD be with you, til we meet!

Sister Jerde