The Little Things

We thank the Lord for the big things, but we should never forget the little things He does for us every day. This sister had a small, simple request for the Lord, and would like to share the way He answered.

...I love trees. Where I grew up there are lots of trees. I have a small front yard, with a beautiful, old, maple tree providing shade for the whole front yard. I like to look out the window at it in the morning when I am having my "quiet time" and coffee, and specially in the fall when all the flowers are gone and it has a lot of color.

This summer the city has started a major construction project on my street. They are putting new water lines, electric, cable, realigning the sewer lines, sidewalks, and rebuilding the street. This is a mild hardship because of the continuous sounds of heavy equipment for about three months.

The day before the construction crew started, they came to my house and told me that they would have to take my tree out. I said ok. I understood the construction project was needed. Then I spoke to the Lord, "It sure would be nice if I could keep that tree, I enjoy looking at it." Then I went on about my work.

Yesterday they finished taking out most the trees between the sidewalks and street. When they were leaving, I asked them when they would be taking out my tree. They said, "When the city had the plans drawn up for this project, the utilities were only coming to the edge of your property. We are not taking your tree out. There are only three trees left on this block between the sidewalk and street. That is your tree, and the trees on each side of you." I thanked them.

As soon as they left, I thanked the Lord, letting Him know that even though they think some engineer from the city drew up those plans, I know who drew up those plans. Thank you, sweet Jesus.

Sister Esther United States