The Still Small Voice

The reality that God is not dead, but alive and watching over us, could never be more real than to this family.

The following testimony was sent in from the VGR office in Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo.

I want to share this testimony of what God recently did in my family!

It was on June 30th, which is the day of the independence of our country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and it is a holiday to us.

I was at home, and Brother Eale (VGR representative of Mbandaka) called me because there was an urgent work to do at the VGR office.

I quickly went to work, and as I was working, I received another phone call from a neighbor who told me to go back home as soon as possible. I asked him if there was a problem at home, and he told me that the house that I am renting collapsed under the rain.

When I arrived, I saw that a large part of the wall fell down, and we could see the two rooms that I was using. My wife was at home with my 2 children, a 33-month-old daughter and an 18-month-old son!

Just before the wall collapsed, the boy was sleeping in his room and my wife kept hearing a voice telling her, “Go and get your son.” She finally went and placed him in the long chair in the living room.

A few minutes later, she heard the loud breaking sound of the collapsing walls of all the rooms. This event broke many of our goods, but God protected my entire family.

It could have collapsed during the night while we slept, and killed us all! This gave me even more assurance that we have a living Heavenly Father who watches over us and who is never surprised by the enemy.

May God be praised forever!

Bro. Jacques IYOMI

Assistant / VGR - Mbandaka