Put It Into Action

It's often said that history repeats itself. As we read or hear the Word, every story has a meaning that can be applied in our own lives. We learn lessons from them, and sometimes we find ourselves in the exact same situation. The following was sent from a brother in India who gives us a testimony from a sister who found herself helplessly trapped in a pit with a swarm of angry bees. 

Audio from 56-0218B When Love Is Projected

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a testimony about Sister Boni Kujur from Kumargram Tea Estate, West Bengal, India.

As she often does, Sister Boni had gone along with her co-workers to the Tea Garden where they work as laborers. As part of her duty, she had to clear a deep drain that was covered with bushes. She stepped into the drain to clear the bushes, unaware of a beehive right under those bushes that had covered the drain. In the process of clearing the drain, Sister Boni struck the hive with an instrument, something like a long knife, that is used to pull out the bushes. The bees flew out and stung her colleagues, as they were close by.

Panicked by the situation, they had no option but to flee from the place, leaving sister Boni alone in the drain. Helpless, down in the drain, she could not immediately flee from that place. All that she could do at that moment was sit down in the drain and cry out to the Lord, and there, lifting her hands, began worshiping God. As she cried out and worshipped, the bees began to back away, and returned back to their hive without even touching her. To her amazement, none of the bees even came close to her.

She then returned home unscathed, testifying what the Lord had done for her, delivering her from sure death. She is doing fine now, and thanking God for her miraculous escape. She continues to rejoice with the Revelation of the Message, and that the present tense hour is confirmed to her.

He is the same God who dropped down and spoke through His prophet to those hornets to go back to their nest.

He is truly the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God bless you.
