
We hope these testimonies from believers around the world will put a smile on your face today.

Satan’s Eaten?

A little smile for you all this morning: Yesterday, I told my kids that we would be listening to the tape, "Satan's Eden." My six-year-old son looked at me a little shocked and said, "Satan got eaten?" It gave us all a good laugh!

Sister Rachel


Four or five men were standing down there with their rifles setting against the tree, lot of feuds goes on, and they were sawing wood.

And one of them was speaking, said, "I believe that preacher told the truth."

And one of them said, "That was a blankety-blankety good service." That's the only way he had to express hisself, I guess.

And there was I walked up where they were at, and they were talking, and one of them had a great big chew of tobacco, almost looked like that big sticking out the side of his mouth, jaw puffed out. He was just the head speaker. When I walked up, I said, "Hello." And they turned around, this big fellow looked at me, swallowed that chew tobacco, took off his hat, and said, "Good morning, Parson Branham."

I thought, "My, that was enough to kill him, almost," that great big wad of tobacco like that.

Brother Branham


In our Sunday school lesson, I usually ask the children if they love Jesus. All the hands would go up, and I would ask them why they loved Him. They would say because He heals the sick, loved us first, He gives us everything we need, calm the storms, etc. Then my youngest son Zion said he loved Jesus because He told Brother Joseph to make the puppets!

Brother Dickson

From A to Z

The 26 letters of the English alphabet are so intelligently arranged they show us the way of life. "A"lways "B"e "C"entered on Christ taking a"D"ivine love policy "E"at only from the tree of Life. "F"east with The King."G"o where He leads you. "H"ide in His arms. "I"J"ust "K"eep "L"oving Him and"M"ankind. "N"ever "O"mit "P"rayer or "Q"uiet time. "R"emember Lord God of Abraham and Bro Branham who were filled with "S"pirit and"T"ruth. "U"ntil we also become part of the "W"ORD. "X"press "Y"our "Z"eal for the Lord Jesus.

Sister Jenny


Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.

Job 8:21

Perfect Timing

God bless you all! I was really cracking up at these "smiles," and especially at the "dee dee" comment. I had never heard the prophet say that before! So today my husband puts on a random Message to play in the house before leaving for work. I'm cleaning up and cooking, and here it comes, "dee dee means dumb dog." Of all the messages that could have been played this morning! I ran to the phone and looked at the message, and know that this is no coincidence.

Sister Hannah

A Godly Life

I'm so glad that a man can live so close to God, till the devil don't know what to do with him.

Brother Branham

Already Answered

I literally just sent in a prayer request asking prayer for some money that I had lost. I just had to tell you, almost immediately after I hit send, the Lord brought it to my remembrance that I had already spent the money on this certain item for my baby. I went looking for the receipt, and sure enough it was the exact amount in cash that I thought I had lost. PRAISE THE LORD! I found the money and Target (a department store) has it.

Sister Joy

A Matter of Fact

Some months ago, while doing dishes, I overheard this conversation between my four-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son. My daughter put a rubber band over each of her ears and slinked up to her brother, who was doing homework at the time. "Ben, do you like my earrings?" she asked in the most tempting voice a four-year old could muster. Ben glanced at her and continued doing his homework. "Of course not," he dismissed. "Well, I like them" she continued. "Then you're a sinner," Ben said matter-of-factly." "We're all sinners," she persisted in her tempting drawl. "Yes, but I'm a sinner saved by grace!" said Ben triumphantly.

Sister Nicole

Are you a Christian?

“Well, I'm Presbyterian.” Oh! That's no more to do with It than to say “a hog with a sidesaddle on was a racehorse.”

Brother Branham

The Critic

God richly bless you all. Everything that I've ever read on the VGR website has always been a blessing to me; the QOTD, Letters From Prisoners, articles on Brother Branham and other believers, and everything else. I just finished reading Smiles, and when I think of how much criticism you have had to deal with, I hope I can make you smile with this, "A critic is a legless man who teaches walking."

Brother Benn


A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Proverbs 17:22