Pakistan Update

Pakistan has a population of over 199 million people, and 97% of those are Muslim. Not only are Christians often persecuted, but they are sometimes killed for their faith. It is even more dangerous to step outside the denominational system and claim the power of a living Lord Jesus. By the grace of God, there are some heroes of the faith who are willing to do just that.

Brother Shamoon Yaqoob, VGR distributor in Pakistan, shares a report of five new converts to the Lord after accepting the Message of the hour.

Greetings in the precious Name of Lord Jesus Christ!

I’m glad to tell you, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit is doing wonderful deeds among the people here in Pakistan.

The lost souls are approaching the kingdom of God through the Message of hour.

On this weekend, we baptized five new people in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. They accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour by hearing the end-time Gospel.

People of God are hungry and thirsty for the Voice of God in these last days. Thanks be to God that we have the Message of the hour for deprived people. We are greatly appreciated for sending us spiritual Food for hungry souls in this Islamic country of Pakistan.

We deeply and exceedingly give you our appreciation for your tireless efforts and generous support. Thank you and God richly bless you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Bro. Shamoon

VGR Pakistan
