What Must We Do?

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

Acts 16:31-33

This past Spring, we posted a testimony of how an outreach wasn’t hindered by the language barrier, but brought a family to the local VGR office for baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

This follow up report tells of how extensions of that family are coming to the knowledge of the Truth.

We recently conducted another baptism service at the Durban office.

All the new candidates were results of Brother Eli's continued witnessing in the Mayville area.

A few months ago, we sent a testimony of the first few converts from Mayville, South Africa being baptized in Christian baptism.

The seven new candidates are relatives of the sisters who initially believed and accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. All of them are young and are currently attending public school.


We trust that the Lord will protect their young lives from the snares of the enemy and that he can use them to shine their lights to all of their peers and classmates.

While we were conducting the baptism service and rejoicing, a passerby was stopped in his tracks as he marveled at the sight of the immersion taking place in the office parking lot.


Then he approached the office gates and asked, “When is your next baptism day?" To which I replied, “Right now, the water is ready!"

He quickly responded, no It's not for me, I was baptized a few years ago at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, but my wife has been telling me that she wants to be baptized.

I told him that we could do the baptism the very next day.

It truly is wonderful to serve the Lord and to witness the hand of the Lord at work in the lives of His children.

May God bless You!

VGR Durban
