Sheep Food

Brother Juan Tarqui, VGR distributor in Bolivia, recently made a distribution trip to the rural area of La Paz. What the team found at their arrival is a testament to the work being done by a local pastor who is spreading the Message over a radio broadcast.

Here is Brother Tarqui’s report.

On Sunday, August 22, Pastor Mateo Quispe and I went to the rural area of La Paz to visit a church in the town of Coana.

The local pastor had baptismal service in a nearby river that comes directly from the Andes mountains. After the pastor read some Scriptures and quotes from Brother Branham on baptism, he called the candidates (which they did not know the exact number, as they thought they were 5 or 7 at the most). To their surprise, there were 8 brothers and 8 sisters. They came to the waters to surrender their lives to the Lord.

The Presence of God was so strong that particularly the sisters could not hold their tears as they entered the waters. They were so excited and full of joy to fulfill this part of the Word. After the ceremony, the local believers were so happy to greet their new brothers and sisters. You could see the smiles on the brothers, feeling so happy to be members of the Bride of Christ.

I saw many believers very moved by the atmosphere that was felt at the site. We really had a wonderful day of fellowship with these brothers that continue casting the net of the Gospel in the rural areas to bring in new Seeds of God to His storehouse.

Most of these new believers heard about the Message on a radio broadcast while in their different denominations. The local pastor has a program of 30 minutes every Sunday morning. He usually reads complete sermons of Brother Branham. At the end of the program, the pastor gives the address and contact numbers of the VGR office and the internet websites to receive more information and literature.

Almost all denominational church members listen to this broadcast on Sunday mornings. Pastor Quispe keeps pretty busy with the numerous calls he receives from people wanting to learn more about the Message of Malachi 4:5. This program is heard even at the border with Chile and Peru. This has proven to be a very successful media to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this region.

Pastor Mateo has been a good friend of Brother Tarqui for 27 years and the church appreciates him very much. The local believers enjoy inviting him to the different activities they have. This is an autonomous church that does not belong to any church association, and they do not accept the influence of other ministers or churches.

Pastor Mateo, in April 2016, baptized 20 believers. In October he baptized 7 believers, and in August 2017 he baptized 16 brothers.