Still the Same Today

The Bible is full of testimonies. We’ve all read the stories of the widow woman and the barrel of meal, Gideon and his fleece, and Jesus telling the Pharisees to cast the first stone. These Bible stories are not only recorded for a historical account, but they are also to be applied to our own lives in this modern day. The same goes for Brother Branham’s Message.

This family lost their phone, then discovered it was stolen. They remembered a testimony Brother Branham told about a stolen car and applied it to their situation. What was the result? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever!

This is a short testimony of the greatness of our God in the simplest of things.

My wife had lost her phone on the 25th of September 2019. She was really upset with herself because we lost all of our pictures of the family and important events etc.

She was also upset knowing that we didn't have enough money to afford a new one. We knew someone had found the phone, because we tried calling it and they removed the SIM card from the phone and changed the accounts and it became unusable for us.

So, we prayed in our morning devotion, asking God to grant us the phone back. During the prayer we remembered that there was a brother that had his car stolen, and when Brother Branham and they prayed, the car was returned to the brother.

And saints believe it or not, the next day, by noon time of 26th September, one day later we found the person that had the phone, but they denied having it.

After leaving they called back, saying they were convicted and apologized for taking it and removing all the documents and accounts. The phone is now back with my wife.

Praise God.

A brother in Christ

Trinidad & Tobago