My Victory Is Coming

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Acts 16:31

It's the parents' greatest joy to see their children walking with the Lord in their lives, but it can be the most difficult trial in life when we see them stray. This mother’s trial is not uncommon to many homes, but there is a Promise every mother and father can hold to. Just be patient, God knows all about it and He is watching closely. 

Oh, with tears in my eyes on the workstation I stood up and praised God Almighty! The encouragement Sister Katalayi gave me through her testimony (Part 1 | Part 2) is tremendous. Her words keep me going through this trial that just started in my life, this past Sunday.

My 17-year-old daughter just announced that she's no more going to church but she still loves God (That dreaded stage!).

She says she wants to live a normal teenager life like public school children do. The kids gave her the nickname of Dorothy (a doll who dresses conservatively) and she's not happy. She wants to experience God calling her, not going to church just because at home we usually go to church.

You can imagine a parent’s heart who tried to be a good example, and I always testified of how God is doing things for us, and how when we're in need, He provides. I speak of His safety at home and in the car. I show her God's goodness to us and speak of how people who don't have Him struggle.

Every given chance I share with her to see a Christian life is good. (I took her to young believers’ weddings so as to see that they live happily ever-after). I told her how I lived without God, and I was brought back when life was hard on me it turned so sour for me when He brought his sheep back into the fold.

The way of a transgressor is hard! Hence, I don't wish those difficulties on her.

By God's grace I'm resting on His Word. He sent right on time of need the tape "61-0808 Thy House." God said I must believe for our children we love so dear. Our own faith can apply for our family members, even for their salvation and be with them in Eternity.

Now, if I am praying that God will save these teen-age children, and I believe with all my heart He will do it, see that’s the same way Job stood. Say, “Oh, look at this kid, how he’s doing.” I don’t care what he’s doing or what she’s doing. I still have put that child in the hand of Almighty God and my—me and my house shall be saved.

61-0808 Thy House

So, that's what I'm doing, and by God's help I'm pushing for quick deliverance, that she comes to her senses very soon and be an example to worldly teenagers of good teenage Christian life.

Her hair is the salt of the earth, as so many teenage girls this side have short hair in fashion (fish cuts, with lines running from front to back, etc). But she grew her natural hair beautifully and others have started to copy her. That's good for us to turn them from cutting their hair and to grow their crowns of glory.

All in all, I have true peace of mind, knowing God has it all in control. I am just believing and holding on. My victory is soon, I feel it. Glory!

We thank God for all He did for us at Calvary, a finished work. We just have to take it, accept it, and go on rejoicing (sitting in heavenly places). I believe it all works for the good.

Many believers would be encouraged from little Haddassa's testimony (Part 1 | Part 2). The mother has a way with words to remind us what the prophet taught us.

I choose faith over fear, for I look up to God, not look around at the lying vanities.

Sister Desiree

South Africa