
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:5-6

How much does the Bride of Christ mean to the world? We live in a dark place that is dying for just a little sign of love. It doesn't necessarily mean that we have to explain the deep mysteries of the Word, but we have to live the Word before the people. Sometimes that is as simple as showing heartfelt love to the everyday person who is dealing with all the problems that the world has to offer.

This sister came across someone who was in the valley, and she was ready to share the encouragement that was needed. 

Last week, it was after a busy day and I was pretty tired, I went to a nearby local store to get a few last-minute Christmas things with my daughters.

Down one of the aisles, I noticed two very demonic looking men with a young woman who had many piercings, mostly shaved head, dressed rough with leggings all slit up. I could hear them talking together, she was saying she could cook potatoes or something; the whole scene was horribly ugly.

I just felt something so evil and my heart reached out to the young woman. It was terrible and many thoughts raced through my mind about what the situation could be. It troubled me so much, I couldn't shake it.

As I was praying in my heart, I gathered my daughters and directed them to another part of the store. In my heart, I wished I could help the young woman, knowing the love of God could transform her life, but it seemed impossible to speak to her alone.

Then suddenly, I noticed she was at the end of the aisle I was on and started walking toward me. I said to her softly, "I really feel for you and had you on my heart."

She kind of ducked and answered, “Oh, it's ok, I've been dealing with this for 17 years.” She didn't look much over 25 years old. My heart felt like it would burst with compassion. I knew it wasn't ok. I slipped my arm around her and gave her a little hug. I whispered, “Did you know the Lord Jesus loves you very much?” She nodded.

I felt her whiskered head against my cheek as I again whispered, “I normally have some cards to give out but left them in the car, when you get a chance, check out themessage.com.” then repeated "themessage.com." She thanked me and seemed touched.

I walked away so choked up that I could hardly refrain from crying. I whispered to my oldest daughter that it would be so terrible to live hell on earth like that, then have to go to hell afterwards, too!

A few minutes later, as I stood with my girls, I noticed one of those two men looking at my daughter. It was upsetting and I told them to get over to the next aisle. At the checkout, I realized I had left my wallet in the car. I tried to stall for time, feeling uncomfortable because those people had left and might be out there in the parking lot, (it was dark out) but I had to go as there were people in line behind me. I told my girls to stand still, (they were under a security camera near checkout) and I ran out to get my wallet.

I grabbed three witnessing cards, too, because I noticed those people were in their car, still in the parking lot nearby. I picked the "meanest" card to give one of them, the one with the snake head, snake to snake. I marched up to their car and said I had something for all of them. They said thank you!

Then I went immediately in, paid and waited for my girls to checkout. While waiting for them, I saw a man with a meek face and gentle eyes. What a difference!

On the way out, I asked him if he was a Christian. He said, “Definitely!” I said normally it's hard to tell on a man, but when I saw you, I thought you were. He smiled and I gave him a Themessage.com card. As he was driving away, we noticed he had flipped the light on in his car and was reading it. Thank the Lord!

I was in fierce prayer about the other situation all the way home, rebuking the devil! Praying that God will intervene in the situation in the Name of Jesus Christ! May God move down on that house of hell to break every chain!

And I thought, “Well, how could I deliver them? I—I haven’t got strength enough in my arms to break those bars.”

So I said, “House of hell, give away to the Name of Jesus Christ.”

And all the creaking and popping, and—and rocks rolling, and—and bars falling; and people running, screaming, “Delivered!” and screaming at the top of their voice, and was all delivered.

65-1126 Works Is Faith Expressed

Thank You, Lord!
