All Is Well

You stay right on the Word. And that Word is Life. And every time you receive the Word, you receive Life. Take It into your heart and believe It as your own possession. Every promise is yours.

60-0712 Hear Ye Him

Not only is this an inspiring testimony of the never-failing presence of God in a believer’s life, but it is also a witness of what happens when you ask the Great Physician to come on the scene.

On Thursday, February 22nd, at 3am our 5-week-old baby boy, Leo Judah, woke up distressed because he couldn’t breathe well.

He sounded really congested. I tried to clear his nose but nothing was coming out. He couldn’t sleep all day and wouldn’t nurse because he was not able to do both at the same time, and he cried most of the day.

I placed a prayer cloth over him and prayed to our Heavenly Father to come on the scene.

The night before, my husband, Leo, and I listened to the message, THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM 59-0424A, not knowing that our faith would be put to the test early the next morning.

When my husband got home from work, we got the baby in his car seat as fast as possible, because at that point he was very distressed with labored breathing and would stop breathing frequently for a few seconds at a time.

He struggled all the way to the Clark Memorial hospital’s emergency room, and when we got there they checked him in right away.

Then all of a sudden as they were starting to check all his vitals and getting him hooked to the monitor, he started breathing normally again. He stopped crying and was very calm, laying on his back and looking around the room.

My husband and I were shocked since he was not able to lay on his back all day because he would stop breathing. This is when God’s healing power was felt in the room, and my husband and I felt His arms of love and protection wrapping us up.

The doctor came in and said they would do several tests for respiratory illnesses and check his white blood cell count. We got the results later that night but, as we already knew, ALL WAS WELL.

All the tests came back negative and the doctor said he’s the healthiest boy he's seen.

He told us to get a vaporizer in his room, but that’s about it. We came home and he’s been sleeping better than he has before.

We give God all the glory and thank Him for His mercies on us.

Sister Keila