Letters From Prisoners

The letters we receive from prisoners around the country are touching to say the least, but this batch could soften even the most stony heart. Here are a few excerpts from the hundreds of letters we receive from inmates every month.

Thank you for the books, I just love the way Brother Branham always uses Bible references to explain the Message.


I am part of the Bride of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by faith and His grace. About five years ago, I asked for a prayer cloth (the ones that Bro. Branham sent to the sick people.) I received this, and I can testify that I am healed of three illnesses I had. All the glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I ask for your prayers for the little group of Message believers in this place. We are ten brothers, and we gather on Saturdays and Sunday mornings. We read the messages of the prophet. Right now, we are reading the C.O.D book. We just finished The Seven Church Ages and the book of Hebrews.

May God bless you, dear brothers,

Rejoice in the Lord, as He is coming soon!


It was worth the trip to prison to find Brother Branham’s Message. Keeping the faith since 1997.


The Spoken Word books that you send me feed my soul. I can testify that every time I read the words my soul rejoices; oh, I just get so happy because every word is the Word of God.


We are taught that God does not exist, which I believed. Then I ended up in prison. I looked around and knew that it was indeed true, for a loving God would not permit a place like this. One day someone handed me a book, God of this Evil Day. Then I read another and another, I came to believe that there is a real God and He is right here, but you have to know what to look for. I could not understand, and then it came to me. These words of Brother Branham are the key that opens to door to the understanding of the real true God of the true Word of God. Thank you for making this possible.

South Africa

I looked for parallels in the Bible. I was sure I found Brother Branham’s Message in the Old Testament. Then I studied more and thought I found it in two other places in the Old Testament, then there it was in the New Testament. Finally, I propped up my Bible and a Spoken Word book and like a vision, I saw it. There are no parallels for this Message in the Bible, look as hard as you want. This Message and the Bible are parallel in every respect. Like Brother Branham, talking about the shadow and the object are the same. Please send me more.

South Africa

I read Brother Branham for a while but never talked about his Message much. Then we had a fellow come in here. He wanted to convert everyone, you know the type. Well, most guys would just go along, so he’d go away. So it was my turn. He wanted to know if I was saved. I was in a bad mood anyway, so I told him, "Yes, before the foundation of the world." He did not like that much, so I showed him the scripture. He said, "Well, if that is the case then you don’t need preachers." I said, "You do, they are to point you to the prophet." He said I was really mixed up, that in this day it’s the preacher that will get you in. I told him I would pray for his soul and gave him "The Mystery of God," and walked away.


We are all Spanish speaking held by ICE in Arizona. The group we have are from everywhere from Colombia to Mexico and in between. We are all anxious to go home as we are now committed to a new life. It all started when a few French-speaking brothers received books from you. Well, they were so excited, I guess they knew about the books but never took the time to study them. Well, the excitement spread, and we requested books in Spanish. My friend, now we are all excited, we never heard anything like this from our churches, this is real, alive. We told the officials that we want to return home; we must go back and tell the true story about baptizing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our people do not know. It burns in our hearts to do this. We came to the USA for many reasons, but we now know there was a reason that we did not know about. Friends, God bless you and the ministry.


I’ve been here over 35 years now, and I’ve seen and heard it all, now I understand you know who Melchisedec was. There is much discussion on this, but I have my opinion, and I would certainly appreciate your view. I know you have a keen insight on the Bible. For me I don’t believe Melchisedec was a man, oh Abraham spoke to someone, but Melchisedec was there long before Abraham was. So, send me what you have, I’m interested.


I’m facing a 25-year term, I ask for your prayers, whatever the Lord wants for my life is fine. I am sorry for my mistake, I have repented and am willing to pay the cost. May the Lord have His way, and if it my lot to do the full term, I pray the Lord will allow me to spend the time to be his servant, a witness to this Message and not spend it alone but every day in Brother Branham’s Message. I can do it by His Will.

South Africa

I’m a lifer, hardcore, and mostly locked up, I read a book called Brother Branham Book. For the first time in my life, I looked up, with tears, an said forgive me. I thought my heart started to become weak, but as I said, I am hardcore. I know something happened because listening to the young guys 19 or so, I had tears in my eyes. They sounded like I did at 40, no hope. I’m afraid we are gone, I love the Message books, but beyond that there is nothing.


They can say what they want. However, for me and my cell, this is the ordained Word of Jesus Christ.


I sit at a table with another brother, and we talk about what we have learned from Brother Branham. Another inmate came and asked if he could sit. We said sure. I asked why do you wish to sit here with us. He said he was walking around for a while and kept being pulled to our table and wanted to find out what was the attraction. What a door, just walk right in brother. We talked for just a few minutes, but when I looked at the clock it was a few hours. The Lord is good.


Just wanted to check in, I have been transferred to six different prisons in Texas now, and praise the Lord, when I arrived here I asked to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. For the first time the Chaplain said, “Not a problem brother.” Well pick me up off the floor, all these years and the Lord has given me mercy. I just wanted to share my testimony.


I went to chapel, and one of the inmates that was being released the next day asked the Chaplain what his name was. The Chaplain replied, then he asked what the Holy Ghost name is. The Chaplain said, "not the time to discuss this" and ended the Q & A we were having. I asked the fellow what that was about. He asked me if I was a father. I said yes. He said, "Is your name father?" I laughed and said, "What is this?" He said, "Father is a title. Son is a title. Think about it," and started walking away. I said, "Hey, do not leave me like this." He gave me your address and said you would tell me what it’s about.


I am so grateful to be blessed with an Absolute and to know that I am in the Word for today. There are so many voices, with so many messages. I thank God for the Holy Spirit leading me to the Truth, God’s Messenger for this day!