Letters From Prisoners

We send thousands of letters and packages every month to inmates around the United States. For some, they hear about the Message for the first time while in prison. For others, prison is a wakeup call that they need to get back to the Lord. Still others have concerned friends and family requesting that we send them books. Every letter sent from the inmates to VGR is answered, and every request for Message books is filled.

The following are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners.

These messages from Brother Branham are shaping and molding us here, and the scriptures are being opened up. The atmosphere in this prison has changed since the books arrived. It is so beautiful to witness the moving and power of the Holy Spirit, that sometimes I just get beside myself with joy.


Keep bringing the Word of Jesus Christ to us, for there are believers in these dungeons that truly believe!


I’m leaving soon, as I am being transferred to a step-down facility. That means in 60 days I’ll be out on the street. They give you an exit interview, and they wanted to know what was the main thing I would take with me. I said Jesus Christ and the love of all the brothers and sisters at the Voice Of God that shared God’s Word with me these past five years. They just said thank you and took me out. I can say that more than one tear has been shed over the Message books I received and before I came here, these knees never touched the floor in prayer. Thank you, Jesus, for sending Brother Branham to this place. You have become my family and my friend over these years; I will not forget. God bless all of you!


Greetings and blessings to all of you. May our beloved Jesus Christ continue to bless you as you endure in spreading the Gospel across the prisons of our country. We only know the Message from a brother from another prison. He is such a humble and beloved saint of God. This man did fill us with the Spoken Word of our prophet, Brother Branham. And we did taste and feed on this Word. It is indeed good Food in due season. Now we want more, as we still are in growth and have many hunger pains.

South Africa

We are so thankful that there is Food in your storehouse and we ask that you would again share some with us. At one time we were sitting in one of the worst prisons in the country, but the Words of the prophet came, and now we sit in a five-star hotel with Angels all around us. Praise the Name of Jesus Christ that He loved us enough to send His prophet into this place for us.

South Africa

I wanted to tell you how much these messages have changed my belief in God, but I started writing, and I can’t put it into words. I don’t know how much has changed because there is no stopping, no "here I am" point. Every book I read something changes in me, and I pray there is no end to it!


Another inmate lets me read a little booklet called The Mystery, then the one called, Show us the Father. I laughed at the lying dog because that’s what I was following. Thank you, Brother Branham. Later in my mind I pictured that dog looking up the tree and barking, and me walking away shaking my head. It’s weird, but I guess that’s how it works. See, I looked back and saw my parents at that tree looking up with the dog. I started to shake, thought so much for me but what about them! Sir, I prayed and then started gathering up stuff to send them. Please send me some of your Mystery tracts so I can send to them. Pray for my parents. I want them to have what I have received.


Just wanted to say the Lord is moving here. By His Grace, we received the DVD of Brother Branham and they want to show it on the big flat screen in the main room. There are many here that want to see it! The Assistant Chaplain wants to know where baptizing in Jesus Name started. Brothers, things are going GREAT here. Pray for us.


I wanted to let you know that I am not slacking in my duty. All is well here as I know it is there, thanks to our Lord Jesus. Ever since I read the first Words of the prophet, I have dedicated myself to being a Prisoner of Christ, though behind these walls for my crime they do not bind. There are no chains that can hinder us as long as we can breathe the Name of Jesus Christ. I have always done my best to support the ministry, started with stamps, then as my situation improved I send money orders. I can never hope to cover what you have done for me, but I tried. For the past months, you have received nothing from me. The prison has refused to allow me to send money orders to the ministry, even to the point that they do not allow stamps to be sent. I am meeting with the Chaplain, and from there we will go to the Warden. I will keep you posted and ask for your prayers as it is my duty to support. My precious brothers, never give up this fight.


I am a Muslim and have read a few of prophet Branham’s books. I was told these are Christian books, but I do not agree with that assumption. See, I know Christian teachings and what Brother Branham teaches is not what they call Christian. I say "Prophet Branham" is a revelator as he teaches the Revelation from God. I am very comfortable with these teachings as they are very strong and powerful, exactly like the teachings of the Prophet, Jesus and the prophets of the old books. God be praised that this is revealed in this day. Please, I have enclosed a list if you would be so charitable.


I never said thank you for all you do for us inmates. Without VGR and Brother Branham, I would have never heard of Jesus Christ, never would have received my salvation. See, I came here, and for 15 years I knew there was no God. Then I made fun of a fellow that was praying. He looked at me and said, "Don’t you fear God, friend?" I said, "You call me friend, I just made a laughing stock of you." He said, "No, you are my friend, but what you did you did against God, have you no fear?" I never forgot that day, because that evening I did have fear! I was a wreck for about a year, then I saw a little book about an Eagle’s Nest; that was five years ago. I now have that booklet framed and hanging on my wall as a reminder of when He changed my life. I have read and kept every book you sent. For me just looking at the covers gives me an inner peace I never had. Now I laugh and cry reading the Message books and my Bible. It’s been a rough life, hard time, but now I know that it was nothing compared what Jesus had to go through for my Salvation.

Thank you Brother Branham, and God bless you.


I received the Church Age book about six months ago and will probably finish reading it by the end of next year. No, I’m not a slow reader I just don’t see how you can read more than a page or two a month. You start researching what Brother Branham writes and you find out that underneath what you read there is more. I know that these revelations could only have come to Brother Branham from God Himself. I also learned that Brother Branham is well known around here. All you have to do is mention something that you read and man the critics come out in numbers. But the Truth is the Truth, and I love him.


Picked up a book here called the Godhead. Well, I’ll tell you I thought whew, no wonder nobody reads these books, the guy's out in left field. But I kept reading. Next thing I know I was there in the book arguing with Brother Branham, like the other guys. Then he said about the Rabbi; now I’m not Jewish, but I never heard it explained like that. I started shaking, and things started going through my mind like I was moving 90 MPH through life. Then it all stopped, I got up and shook myself and walked around a little and could not clear my head. When it finally cleared, I thanked God for being merciful to me to allowing me to have picked up this book. Yes, and I’ll tell anyone, there is one God, and His Name is Jesus Christ. Now unto baptizing, please send me the next books.


I want to thank you for making it possible to study and understand God’s Word.


A fellow in here had a book he showed me, said it was a Bible. Well, I’ve never seen one in my life, but of course, most of my life has been in here. He also said there were many books by this man, Branham, that explained about the Bible and how to get close to God. Well, this fellow moved on but left me your address. Could you send me these books? I really don’t much like my life. It’s messed up. I don’t know if I’ll ever leave here. Well, I have no place to go, and I have no family anyways. I would like to learn about God; perhaps my life will change, and I can be with Him.


Hi, it’s me again, they have moved me to the step-down facility, in six months I am to be released. I have not been able to tithe as to all the moving, and now I have no access to my funds, but will as soon as I can. I enclosed a book request if you would be so kind. I am so excited about going home, but above everything, with all my heart I want to thank you all. Honestly, I don’t believe I would have made it without you guys. Years ago when I first arrived here, I cried all the time for what I did to my family, my kids and myself. Another inmate comforted me, told me now you must decide, where do you go from here? I said, "Do my time, get clean, and go home." She said, "Do that and you’ll be right back here." I just cried more, "What can I do?" She said, "God’s coming." "I go to church," I said. She replied, "I knew that." And gave me a book on the Ages, said, "God’s coming." I read that book; I knew God was coming. My friend got transferred. I requested more books, and it got to the point that I forgot my family, I forgot everything except the prophet's books. I just read and read, requested a Bible and more, seemed I could not live without a Message book in my hand. Started tithing, praying, telling people, then one morning, I guess it was a dream but God came, and I knew I changed, everything had new life. It’s been a short six years. My family has supported me, watched me, and testified that I am a new person. I ask for prayer for my husband. He drinks and my children, who I miss so much. I thank this ministry, God’s prophet, William Branham for the encouragement and strength to lean on and for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Love and the sacrifice for my soul. Now pray God will grant me the wisdom to teach my children and be a candle.