Letters From Prisoners

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

The prison mailbag is overflowing once again. Here are a few excerpts from those letters from prisoners.

Through the years I was in prison, I did everything I could. I would pray, read the books, and the Bible. I was even baptized. I just felt like I could not live without the Lord. Then the day I had been waiting for came, and I was released. It took all but two weeks for that “Light” to go out, and the love of drugs and what goes with that lifestyle to replace the love for God. But here I am cleaned up and asking for books and most of all prayers. See, I all but extinguished that fire out. I’m asking for books, hoping I can get the ember going again, it’s not looking good for me. Pray the Lord will forgive me and help me get back.


I am so glad I read of you guys. These books are so full of Bible Truths that nobody else ever speaks of. I love and believe each word! Thank you.


The brothers and I would like to thank you for sending the Spoken Word to us in prison. We are a group of believers that believe every word from God’s prophet, Brother Branham. 

South Africa

I am ashamed to write you from such a cesspool of humanity. This place has the reputation of being the darkest place in the US prison system. I’ll say no more. But I will tell you there is but one hope to all within these filthy walls, and that is Jesus Christ. However, the demons that fill this place extinguish every little flicker of light. That is until I saw your address and a package arrived that looked like it was on fire. Friends I’ll tell you, there were five books in the package, and they all were taken as soon as the wrapper was removed. I was reading about the Curtain Of Time and never was so much light. These are true words from God on each page. I looked up to Heaven and said, “Thank you.” Then I noticed something strange. I could not figure out what was different. A guard was walking by, and I asked what is going on, he said, “All the guards are getting nervous.” I asked, “Why? He said, “It’s never been this quite in here.” That’s what was different, the whole area quieted down. Friends, never think the work is in vain, and never doubt the Words that are on these pages.


Brothers, I want to say thank you. This Message brings light and warmth to a cold dark place. God Bless you all.


It’s been years, but through it, I gave my heart and myself to our Lord Jesus Christ. Fifteen years ago, I picked up a book and read the Church Ages. I tell you that I never was so confused in my life. I could not understand any of it. I was in the library looking up a totally unrelated subject, when, it had no reason to be there other than for me. It was the Church Age book. I asked if I could have this one and they told me they’d be glad to get rid of it. Little did they know the “Gold” inside those old covers. That night I learned the difference between milk and meat. This book was not meant for babes, but reading it 15 years ago as a babe, it prepared me. Tighten up your belt, because this book is a fight! Brother, it might have been years ago and our prophet might have gone home, but the Spirit is still in the Words. It was like setting right in the Tabernacle, and I could feel the power and the Spirit behind each Word. Tears streamed down my cheeks. It was my time. I guess it took all these years to knock me down to a place where I had no understanding, but something inside me now did understand and was shouting “Amen”!


If you ever saw the inside of a prison, the first thing that hits you is the noise. The yelling and cursing that goes on all the time is horrendous. I was really having a hard time reading the Message books due to the noise. I had an old cassette player that was broke, and I threw it away, but kept the earplugs. I dug them out and put them in my ears. Finally, I could concentrate on the Message, and the plugs blocked the noise. Those ear buds also made me feel as if I was listening to the Message. It’s always the simple things.


I’m on 16 of a 40-year prison term. I saw a paper that said you have some answers to questions I have never thought of before. “What happen in the Garden?” Who would ask a question like that? But over the years, I asked that and more. I just received blank stares, like I was dumb or something? I had given up on finding answers, and then I saw the Church Age book. I thought I’d try one more time to see if anyone does know the answer. So please send me the books you offer.


I thank you for the wonderful messages you have sent me. As soon as I open the first book, I knew my life would never be the same. I could tell you stories that would make you cry, and why I did the things I did and how sorry I am. But, I learned already that I must forget yesterday and only live for Jesus Christ. This I have just learned from the prophet of God. Yes, I knew from the first page that this is not just a man to write such things. I shall support and pray for this work daily. And I know that everyone out there is doing the same.


Thank you so much for the books that you have sent me, as they are changing my life. I am amazed at how much understanding the Lord gave to Brother Branham. Thanks be to God for this.