SiSwati Translations

Swaziland, one of the smallest countries in Africa, sits in the southeast corner of the continent. It’s neighbored by Mozambique to the east and by South Africa on north, west, and south.

The primary language is SiSwati, and is spoken by roughly 3 million people throughout this region. With the borders only stretching 81 miles east to west, and 120 miles north to south, this country is often overlooked in this vast continent. But in the work of the Lord, this small country is set to have some big things take place.

The SiSwati translation work began in February of this year. You may have noticed in the Feed that there is a lot of work being done in this language. In just eight months, six new audio sermons with matching text have already been released, and another nine text translations are also completed with the audio soon to follow. Translations of the Spoken Word are getting done in timeframes we have never seen before.

One reason is the addition of new translating tools, which are having a huge impact in God’s Great Machine.

Here is the report on the SiSwati translation work.

For several years, SiSwati (or Swazi as it is commonly known) has gone relatively unnoticed as a major language due to it being perceived as a sub-language of isiZulu (one of the better known languages, spoken in neighboring South Africa). Nevertheless, the isiZulu translations have made a great impact in Swaziland. The existences of 14 or more churches in the country are a testament to that fact.

In recent times though, we've received reports of marked differences in dialect between the two languages, making it difficult to fully comprehend some of the isiZulu literature that had filtered into Swaziland over the years.

Brother Phillip Mathunjwa approached us earlier this year (Feb 2015), expressing his desire to assist VGR with SiSwati translations. The Swazi work received a further boost, when Brother Sandile Mabuza joined the team a few months later, in June. He handles the proofreading, audio recording, as well as the odd translation when time permits.

Their collective burden to get this Message to the people of Swaziland has been evident in their work to date, having completed six newly translated audio sermons, and nine text translations, with four more in the works.

  • 62-1014e A Guide
  • 63-0120m The Voice Of God In This Last Days
  • 64-0205 God Is His Own Interpreter
  • 64-0322 Possessing The Gate Of The Enemy After Trial
  • 65-0118 The Seed Of Discrepancy
  • 65-0123 Broken Cisterns

This is unprecedented in the scope of the Southern Africa translation work. We have never seen a new translation team complete this many manuscripts in such a short space of time. The recent translators conference conducted in Cape Town earlier this year has clearly been a huge advantage for these brothers.

At the conference, they received extensive training and invaluable advice from veterans in the VGR translation work, some of whom have been involved with the work for over 20 years. This is a luxury their predecessors and colleagues would've loved to receive at the start of their respective journeys in the work.

Already the Swazi team has completed six audio translations, and we're scheduled to do a few more before the end of the year.

We are delighted by the fact that every believer in Swaziland will soon be able to enjoy listening to the Scriptural Voice of our day in his or her native tongue.

No one can say it quite like Brother Branham:

Now I want to ask you something else. What is any sweeter to a man that’s anchored, laying back under the evergreen tree, to hear the rippling brook? Oh! That’s the Church setting in heavenly places with the Voice of God rippling sweetly and talking to them then. See what it is? It’s a condemnation to the sinner, and a blessing to the saved. A man who’s safely anchored his boat upon the Rock Christ Jesus, and just lays and listens, how he can rest! Enter into that rest.

60-1204e The Patmos Vision