One Big Family

I was raised in a large family. There was ten of the children. And we boys would get in the backyard, and we would fight one another, oh, my. Nine boys, one girl, and we would really fight. But no one better not pick on one of us, out in the front yard, 'cause, they picked on one, they had Branhams was coming from everywhere. So I think that's the way it is with God's children, the Church.

62-0123 Forsaking All

There has been a little arguing amongst ourselves over the past 50 or so years, but when we take a step back and look at the big picture, we all love each other more than anything in the world. Watch what happens when the enemy comes against one of our members; you’ve got the whole body uniting to support it. We caught a glimpse of that when we posted the recent Good News article, titled, “Letters To The Editor.”

Here is what sent our brothers and sisters to battle stations:

So-called Inconsistencies

If what Branham said was true, then why are there so many inconsistencies and lies and no proof? I choose to follow Christ and the Bible.

We followed it with another message we received:

The Right Attitude

Sometime ago scientists concluded that the bumblebee is too heavy to fly, somehow though he didn't get the memo on it and he still flies. The anti-message folks have recently drawn the conclusion that he lied, this Message ain’t going to fly. Somehow we didn't get the memo on it. This bride is beginning to fly in her eternal God given orbit. No anti Branham formula they manufacture will thwart these laws of God. Glory! Now I'm beginning to feel religious!

We received PLENTY of feedback regarding those two statements. While we shouldn’t be too quick to draw our swords, it’s encouraging to see such support. Yes, friends, we’re together in the battle and we stand united on the Word.

Here is what some of your family members said:

The Message is for believers and not for unbelievers. Unbelievers cannot believe. No matter the chattering the squirrels, the caravan moves on.

I very rarely leave feedback, mostly because I believe the workers there at the VOG have much more important work to do than read my petty comments. (VGR: We want your comments!) However, today I cannot resist! I saw the banner: Letters to the Editor. I knew immediately that I probably didn't want to read it. I have an Irish background. My temper has to die daily. So, I exhaled, I said to myself, if Bro. Joseph posted it, then there is a reason for it... Lord help me to not get upset because of ignorant people's comments.” My mama never like the word ignorant but I always told her it just means "they don't know any better." Anyways, I started reading. God bless Bro. Joseph and all of his staff! They ALWAYS do things right! The article immediately put me in my place with a quotation from Bro. Branham. It's okay to not always agree. I felt my whole demeanor change. Although I don't agree with any of the negative feedback, I felt no anger towards the authors of it, only pity. What a work God has done in my Life? By the time I got to the last comment, I was laughing out loud! How I can identify with that commentator! Nobody has yet notified the Bride! She is steadily making Herself ready! Ironically, what started with dread, ended up with me feeling so light-hearted. Isn't that just like our God? A paradox, no doubt? So, to my fellow traveling companions, Just Rest! All is Well! It won't be long now!

Well, it is a love affair isn't it? And those who know their God, also know His prophet for the Word is one and the same, and it is inseparable. I wouldn't know the Lord Jesus Christ without first knowing His prophet. I am so thankful it happened this way in my life. It is a perfect Message of the Hour!

I've been away from a computer for a week now, and today I returned to feast at the Voice of God website with great joy, and even the buzz of unbelief is a joy to read of as it only proves we're on the right track. For as Jesus was persecuted, mocked at, and ridiculed, so too are the words spoken by His prophets.

Yes, God felt every syllable His prophet uttered to be vital. That's why He sent Brother Branham, to sound as voice of seventh angel. God wanted to be sure It came in a way that blinds the mockers, and said It all in such a way, It confounds those anti-talkers! Thank you Jesus for making It, the last day Message, so perfect. That on one hand, It may fool, but on other hand, calls Elect! What a security, what a Job! Millions are resting on Word that's stored. As New Testament followed the Old, the Bride keeps up with His Thunder Roar!

AAAAAMen! I'm Flying too. No I didn't get the memo either, no man revealed this Message to me, no man or devil can take it away!!! It's Manifesting time, the fruit is on the vine! Thanks for the new site, the feed is a great encourager. I just get excited when I see the new translations being started, done, or in the process. I see Matt. 24:14 in fulfillment and pray for these brothers, and that God would raise up more Holy Ghost filled translators and helpers to make more messages available in their native tongue. I recently sat my children down before we heard this last Jubilee message and chose a different language to let them listen to a little first. I said what if Brother Branham spoke that language, and we had to have the message translated into English? I said we are so blessed to have it in our language, let’s pray for those who need this Message in their language, that God would raise up translators for them so they too can hear the Voice for themselves. "Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow."

Dear VGR, As police tell each other when fighting an outlaw, WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK VGR! Down on our knees in prayer for you! STAY STRONG IN THE LORD! GOD BLESS YOU!

To whom shall we go? Religious criticism is usually biased, but we done believed God's Prophet, Brother Branham. Keep doing what you're doing, I love It… It's Malachi 4 time.

Amen and amen. When I read any criticism on our prophet, I just fear for the critic because truly they do not know what they are doing. I am a sinner saved by grace but has have the privilege of seeing the PILLAR OF FIRE in our small gathering in Amsterdam. Praise for His Word is confirmed. I have many needs but God is the same and I love Him and trust Him no matter what. Praise God I am one of them.

Yes Amen, we should not resist the Holy Spirit or start looking back.

Amen Amen Amen!!! I don't care how many people make fun of me, how many say Brother Branham was wrong, how many want to persecute us, we are going to be like the boy on the bicycle...we are looking straight ahead to the end of the road, which is on it's way. Going Home to Glory, raising our hands in praise, listening to His Voice, singing and shouting hallelujah and happy as we go! We have come too far, seen too much to ever turn back. Oh Glory!!!

As a genuine BELIEVER is aware, The written Word (the Holy Bible), and the Spoken Word for our age, (the Message of the Hour); are ONLY for the BELIEVER!

The person who said he/she chooses to follow Christ and the Bible because of "so many inconsistencies and lies and no proof" in the Message hasn't checked the Bible for all of its apparent inconsistencies and untruths. In spite of those "apparent problems" of both the Bible and the Message, I know that every word is true, although sometimes it is hidden in what looks like mistakes for whatever reasons God has. Praise God that He is still in control in spite of us frail humans!

They ought to start reading the Bibles they claim to believe. Tell them to read II Peter 3. It’ll be like looking in the mirror.

Reading these articles causes me joy and for me it is impossible not to smile. Each witness is a new kick to the devil. We are happy because it keeps you away from us. Brother Branham tells us the message ''The Trial '' there's three persons. Me, God and the devil. The devil is against, and God is for. I decide who will win. So I voted in God, Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ voted for me. The devil lost. As the hymn sung at camp Still Waters ''Jesus is the winner man'' and the devil is the loser, always losing. Glory to God.

Every syllable that MY prophet uttered is important me! I'm convinced he was the seventh angel messenger, sent to me. I'm hanging my life and the life of my loved ones on every sound he uttered. Please continue to provide us with the most accurate books and PDFs as humanly possible. I know you will. I love all of you.

So called Inconsistencies- This brings to mind the person who said "He called me a buzzard" and the other guy said "That's funny He called me an Eagle." I'm glad to be called an Eagle. Saying derogatory things about my prophet runs off like water on a ducks back. I happen to like the way Brother Branham talks.

A good scripture for that is in Proverbs (26:4) where… it says answer a fool according to his folly, and a few scriptures away it says answer not a fool according to his folly lest ye be like him. God has a way getting the squatters off the land. God bless you all and thank God for our real prophet who brought the Truth!!!

I so enjoyed reading these letters. After the last one I had to say, "Amen and Amen!" God bless you all for all you do!

AMEN! So happy you didn't get their negative memo. God bless your work of love to feed us the pure word of God.

The battle is really raging, but in the midst of all this confusion, the bride is coming to maturity and soon she will be gone.

I feel like the more opposition to the Message there is, the more I want to hear those tapes and cling to what I know is the truth! God is good and pure and so is this Message!

No proof? NO PROOF?  Of course there is no proof! You can't prove God or His Word! God has always asked us to rely on Faith, not proof! When the angel came to roll the stone away from the tomb, the only people that God thought it worthwhile to have on hand to witness this momentous event (the culmination of the Super Sign) were lying Roman soldiers (give them some money, they'll say anything).  They witnessed something that made them "quake"; it did not change them; they remained liars. I am quite happy without "proof"; I am quite happy with only the One True Witness: The Holy Ghost! He turned me from the liar that I was, to the lover of Truth that I now am.