Then Jesus Came Along

Now, He gave us the strongest weapon that there is in all the world, and that's prayer. Prayer is what changes things. The Christian doesn't realize what a force he has when he kneels on his knees before Almighty God in the Name of Jesus Christ. He doesn't realize what—what power that is. If the people could only realize that the—that what is given right unto them, anything that you ask for will be given if you can appropriate the faith to believe it. For God's Word is true.

53-0216 My Angel Shall Go Before Thee

After eight years of marriage, my husband and I were expecting our first child at the end of December 2014. About a week after her due date our baby Luke was finally on his way. During his birth (early January 4th) we realized the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice and he didn't appear to be breathing. Our physician, (who is also a Christian) cut the cords and quoted a Scripture from the Book of Luke, (knowing that was the name we chose for our son).

We learned later after he began to breathe, he had inhaled and swallowed some stool, which led to an infection, and he also had a collapsed lung. The hospital where Luke was born was not equipped to handle his case, so he was sent to a children's hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. As soon as Luke was born, knowing he had challenges ahead of him, I immediately asked to send a prayer request to The Voice of God Recordings in Jeffersonville. I sent one through email and my Mother-in-law also called in a request. We put it all in the Lord's Hands and believed for Luke's healing. At the time of birth, I began to break down, not knowing if my son was breathing. My sister, who was with me in delivery and was my labor coach, began to pray such a beautiful prayer. A feeling I can only describe as a perfect calm came over me. All fear and doubt were gone. I truly believe it was His Presence that entered the room giving me comfort and letting me know our baby was fine.

My husband went to be with Luke while I remained in the hospital another day. I was running a fever and they thought I may have an infection as well. During my pregnancy and throughout my life I have had low blood platelets; I was told I could not have an epidural under those circumstances. I had been praying about it and as time progressed my blood count got better and better before delivery. I believe I was also healed of this blood condition.

While in St. Louis, they discovered our baby was losing blood, but they couldn't find where it was going to, they even considered he might be bleeding on the brain. He had a hairline fracture on his skull possibly occurring during delivery. He was also getting oxygen; a feeding tube was put in his nose, a port in his belly to administer the antibiotics as well as an I.V. They were also treating his collapsed lung.

Then Jesus Came and the miracles started to happen. A strange occurrence happened. As soon as my mother received the news of the transfer to St. Louis, she took her phone out and was already dialing a friend in Jeffersonville who was attending a church service. She told her what was going on and had the believers there pray for our family. By that evening, Luke already began to improve, the extra oxygen he was receiving was reduced, and his lung was getting better.

On January the 5th, the breathing tube was removed, and he didn't need extra oxygen. My husband played the "Quote of the Day" for Luke, and he began to move around as though he had heard that Voice before. We continued to play the QOTD for him every day in the hospital. We also attached an Only Believe tract to his little hospital bassinet.

By January the 6th, I was released and able to join my husband and Luke. (The night before the doctors in St. Louis were asking when I could come and start feeding our baby).

Luke no longer needed the feeding tube, and was he able to nurse normally. Aside from a round of antibiotics for an infection due to the waste ingestion, all tests they performed came back negative and Luke was doing so much better than expected.

We know with all our hearts that the Lord Jesus healed our baby. The speed at which he recovered was beyond medical intervention. Luke Robert Loss was released and brought home on January the 11th. Praise be to God and His goodness and mercy to us! He truly is Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God bless you all. In Christ,

Jacob, Rachel and Luke Loss