The Day Of Days!

Greetings in the Name of our resurrected Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I pray that, on the eve of Easter weekend, everyone reading this letter is thinking about what the Lord did for us 2,000 years ago. It is the day that we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Not only is it when our sins were washed away into the sea of God’s forgetfulness, but it also is a foreshadowing of another resurrection!

The prophet told us,

And I think it's the great coronation of the Full Gospel, is the resurrection, and its Divine promises, and the consolation that it gives those who are trusting in it. For, it promises the great union of our uniting together again. It promises, and the—the fading away of all sin. It promises the fading away of all deformities, all the sufferings that we have did in this, had to go through with, in this life. It promises, and the vanishing of its all. It promises that even death will lose its hold, and we'll rise in the likeness of Jesus. So, to my opinion, the resurrection is the greatest of all the promises in the things of the Scripture. There is where it sealed it.

And the last Easter, when I was preaching on the five things of:

Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;

Buried, He carried my sins far away;

But, rising, He justified freely forever.

That's the Day for me, that great Day of days! And to see what it'll mean, to all of us, in the resurrection, as we labor and wait for that blessed Day of days!


Like all of us, I long to worship our Lord with my fellow believers. I cherish my quiet time when it is just Him and me, but there something different and more powerful about worshipping in unity with other brothers and sisters, especially during Easter time. With the cold, dark winter fading out and God restoring life into the earth, we can’t help but think about the words of the first church age messenger when he said,

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up TOGETHER with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

(1 Thes 4:16-17)


One of the greatest promises in the Bible tells us that we will be TOGETHER with our fellow believers on that great resurrection morning, and we will NEVER AGAIN LEAVE THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD JESUS! How my heart longs for that day!

Unfortunately, while here on earth, we are still separated by distance. I wanted to get as many people together as possible for Easter services in Jeffersonville this year, but we simply don’t have the room.

While thinking and praying about what to do for the believers at the Tabernacle, the thought came to me that we CAN be together. We may not be able to gather at church this weekend, but we can surely be worshipping at the same time! Inspired by Brother Branham’s prayer chain, I set a schedule for the members of the Tabernacle. This schedule represents the times that we, here in Jeffersonville, will be praying or listening to the prophet. I certainly don’t want to interfere with any plans your churches have (that’s your post of duty), but if you don’t have a place of fellowship, and/or any of the times are open for you, then you are welcome to join us. There is one thing I know for sure: whether you pick one of these times or all of them, we will ALL receive a great blessing from this Easter weekend.

Brother Joseph

Friday (Times are Jeffersonville time: EDT)

Please read Matthew 26 and 27 to prepare for our 3:00 prayers. 

3:00PM Prayer Chain in commemoration of the Lord’s crucifixion

7:00PM 57-0419 The Perfection



7:00AM International Quiet Time

9:00AM Unite in prayer

12:00PM Unite in prayer

3:00PM Unite in prayer

7:00PM 57-0420 The Entombment



5:00AM Arise

6:00AM 57-0421s The Great And Mighty Conqueror

9:00AM Prayer chain for one another

9:30AM 65-0418m It Is The Rising Of The Sun

12:00PM Unite in prayer

3:00PM Prayer remembering one another, thanking Him for the wonderful weekend, and how we are looking forward to another message

7:00PM 57-0421e And Their Eyes Were Open And They Knew Him