A Deep To Respond

Dyslexia is thought to be one of the most common language-based learning disabilities. It is characterized by the difficulties with accurate and fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. Most estimates say 5%-10% of the population is affected, and some put it as high as 17%.

The latest Table update has a new Dyslexia function to help our brothers and sisters read the most important words they will ever read. It hasn't been long since we released the update, and we already have these two testimonies about the impact of this feature.

I'm sending you this little testimony. My name is Dave Waldner, I'm 36 years old. I have been raised in the Message my whole life. My walk with God has been a struggle because I can't read. I have dyslexia, so this disability has kept me from reading my Bible, and reading the messages. It has been a big problem and very discouraging for me.

The weekend of February 6th 2016, God completely transformed my life and filled me with the Holy Ghost. It's been incredible! I followed the leading of the Lord and have been sensitive to what God is doing in my life: talking to people, sharing my testimony and God is transforming lives through my testimony. Glory to God! I was still struggling to read the messages and my Bible, but I was trying very hard to read anyway. Even though I was trying, it was not making any sense. The words were just jumping around and flipping around like they do for somebody with dyslexia. It was very discouraging, but I believed God was going to do something for me.

This disability has robbed me long enough from reading my Bible and this End Time Message of the Hour. I use “The Table” app to listen while I read along. This app has been such a blessing to me! I was so happy that I could finally follow along somewhat and not get lost or lose my place while listening. The March 13th update I did was an answer to prayer. The read-along function update was for me! I changed the look and feel settings to “dyslexia.” Such a blessing! The Lord knows what we need and when we need it. Amen! I can't even describe it. This is the first time in my life I've ever been able to read something and it makes sense to me! This is so incredible, and God is wonderful. So from the bottom of my heart, and with rejoicing in my heart - from this son of God who has been set free - I thank you for “The Table” app, and for doing the dyslexia font update. This was for me 100%! God bless you all x1000000000!!!!

Your brother in Christ,

Dave Waldner

Cloverdale Bibleway, British Columbia

P.S. I can't wait to have a Bible that I can read. It's coming; I believe it. God is so good.

I have had problems with some dyslexia my entire life. I found it very easy to read and keep my place. I loved the sample. My son then downloaded the program into my phone Wednesday night after church.

It was exciting to be able to read and listen with the highlighted sentences, keeping my place in the written message. I must have read and listened for 2 or 3 hours in bed that same night and again the next morning. Thank You!

Also the text and spacing of the letters and the words make it very easy to read and listen at the same time. My eyes have been tearing up which made it difficult to keep reading after a few pages. This is a wonderful program and will make it easier for people with Dislexia to read and follow along while hearing the "Voice" at the same time.

God bless all who have worked on this program to make this possible for people like me.

Thank you again,

A sister in Jeffersonville.