The Little Things

That's what I'm thinking today, friends. We people are so--are so carried away with all the noise, so... America loves noise. Looky what they're doing today. Turn on those old radios, just as hard as they can with rock-and-roll and boogly-woogly, and all that kind of stuff. They got to have it so loud, it'll blast your eardrums out nearly: all the noise, all the time of the day.

59-0301E What Does Thou Here?

It's not only the big things the Lord does for us in our lives, but it's also those little things that mean so much to us. The brother's silent request didn't go unnoticed.

 I'm with my wife and baby at the ER (Emergency Room) as I'm typing this. There was a patient that sat down kind of near us, and he was playing worldly music (rap) from his phone.

I had sent a group text to some believers to pray for my wife, and a sister had suggested listening to prayer lines. I then downloaded a prayer line from the Table app (The Table app is such a God sent!), and at first, when the prayer line was going on, the patient left briefly. He then returned to a different seat and the music of his was playing. I began praying to the Lord to turn or shut the music off. What was amazing is that someone had asked the patient to turn his music off, but we weren't asked to lower Brother Branham in the prayer line!

God answered my prayer! The worldly music was shut off, and not only that, but we weren't told to shut the prayer line off! God is so good and He has an awesome sense of humor! He watches over His Word, and He loves His children!

God is soooo good and Jesus is His Name!

Bro. Solomon