Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is full again! Here are a few excerpts of those letters from prisoners.

It’s been 45 years since I sat in the Tabernacle at Jeffersonville. So you can image my amazement when a fellow inmate handed me a book by Brother Branham. You can’t imagine what went through me. All these years of running and hiding from God and finally I got to a place where I can’t run no more! Thank you for making this possible, I’m coming home. God bless.


I’ve been here for a very long time. I’ve studied the Bible and every book I could find connected with “Christianity.” I’ve outlived many of the “super evangelist” and I never saw anyone or read anything that was 100% Bible. Some were close but not all the Truth. So when I saw the question about the apple in the Garden, I laughed out loud, another joker. Well one of the young guys here said that’s Brother Branham, write them and see what they say. Well I did and you brothers sent me the Church Ages, Seals, and Daniel. I sure did not receive what I thought I would. See I’m use to “Christian” books that talk about sacrifice, being nice, you know how you should live, but nothing really about the Bible. But these books, no cuddling here, right to the bone, get in or get out. This old man was shook, see, a lifetime of just look up and smile everything’s fine, went out the window. I have in my hand, words right from God’s mouth to His Bride. Brothers, I had tears in my eyes, you can’t imagine how long I searched for food for this soul. Knowing that the food the mainstream feeds you is not fit for consumption, but this is Manna right from the Throne! I knew that somewhere God had His witness. Brothers, I thank you and your ministry and pray there is more.


I thank God for sending me to prison, I see no other way that I would have learned about God. This is my third move and perhaps this will be home for a while. Over the years I have learned so much that I assisted the chaplain and could run services some time. What an honor for someone who never heard of God before coming to prison. I moved here and was having a good time with Christian brothers. I asked about books and saw I already read what they had. I asked if there were more and they said no. I said, “What are you not telling me?” Well, they pointed me to a brother that had his own library, sort of, keeps to himself. I visited him and tried to talk, I said, “I heard you had some books, could I read one?” He said, “really?” I replied, ”Yes.” He handed me a book on Church Ages. People, do you know what you have? I read this book and just screamed, “This is, without dispute, the true Word from God.” I never read such Truths, nobody talks about this, and nobody could ever put this together unless they were a prophet. I know now why this brother is separate from the other "Christians," for I am now also. Please keep it coming. You are all we have.


I’ve been here 36 years, and I don’t know any more than I did when I got here. I thought I’m getting old and I better find out what’s it about. I told the chaplain, and he said, "That’s why we have service." I said, “I appreciate that, but there’s got to be more.” He said to write you and ask for a “Prophet Visiting Africa,” and whatever else you can send me.


For years I was hung up on God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament. Every chaplain or minister or priest I asked, all gave different answers. Then I was telling another inmate about not being able to go any further in the Bible until I understand the connection. He grinned at me, and I said, “To me it’s not funny and don’t tell me you have the answer.” He said, “It’s not funny, but yes I know someone that can explain it to you.” He said to wait. He came back with about three books and big smile, said, "There is a man." Brothers, so simple, no question, Jehovah is Jesus Christ, all the compound Names are in Jesus Christ! You’d have to be blind; well I guess I was blind. What a revelation. God bless Reverend Branham.


I know I’m a changed man. See I loved movies, every movie they showed I was right up front every movie! Somehow I got ahold of a book from you all, I don’t know how or where, I’m not a reader but I just could not put it down. I never got so excited about any movie like I am about this book. Just fact after fact, and truth and more truth. Other inmates asked me why I don’t come to movie night any more, just too busy, got a book I’m reading. Tell you how bad I have it. I dropped it going to chow. Someone picked it up and handed it back to me. When I returned to my room, I could not find my place so I just started reading from a spot I thought was close, seemed all new. Well, two days later I ran into my bookmarker, where I had left off. I had reread all that, but it all seemed new again. Wow, what a book. No matter where you open it everything is all new. I don’t know if anyone else has experienced that, but I know that this Church Ages Book is the Truth! I can’t tell you why I know, but nobody’s going to tell me it’s not!


Reading this wonderful Message that I believe to be the True Word of God, always sends me to my childhood. In the old church they would sing the old time Gospel songs, I never understood what they were about. But reading these words of our precious prophet, those songs just come back to me and through my tears I raise my hands and now, I understand what the songs were about. Forgive me Lord.


With all my heart I love this Message, I love Brother Branham and thank the Lord for the ones that provide it to us.


I thank the Lord for sending me to jail; there was no other way I would have known Jesus Christ and His Message.


Why? That’s what I asked myself. Why did someone give me a book about some American preacher visiting my country? I received the answer to my question right away and understood why I was in jail. Generally people get off with a warning, the judge told me he was giving me time to think of my life. I’m sure he did not know I’d be given a book that would forever change my life. I could not have gone five pages before I knew something was different. This was not a preacher, this was an anointed man of God! The more I read, the more I understood and the more I wanted. Please send me more.

South Africa

I saw a book titled Church Ages, interesting title, and little did I know what I was in for. See, I grew up in church, grew up in a strict school, but all I ever had were questions that nobody answered. Well, I started reading, found myself saying, I always wondered about that, no that’s what I always thought, seemed Brother Branham wrote a book that had all my questions and thoughts wrapped up inside of it. I felt so good about this and that, I just knew inside that everything was the Gospel Truth, it just rings so true. If more books like this are available, I would like to have them. There is no substitute for the Truth!


I wanted to write and tell you thank you for the Bible and the books you sent. I mainly wanted the Bible because I never had one. I thought about the books, and thought that since you sent the Bible you would also send books worth reading; were they ever! Even though I love my Bible I just can’t stop telling everyone about the books, they are fantastic. I tell everyone about Brother Branham. Please send more books.