As we look back through the past 6,000 years, very few world-changing events can compare to what happened 70 years ago, in that little trapping cabin north of Jeffersonville. It was on this day that the Angel of the Lord visited a minister named William Branham and told him, “If you'll be sincere when you pray, and get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even to cancer.”
Tunnel Mill, north of Jeffersonville,
where Brother Branham received his commission.
Brother Branham immediately went on the field, and shortly after, he began printing tracts and making tape recordings of his sermons. He prophesied over and over again that his Message would go around the world through the tapes he was making.
As we all know, Brother Branham was successful in getting the people to believe him. He used his gift of discernment and his faith to show the people that Jesus Christ is the same now as He was 2,000 years ago, and He is doing the same works. The Lord answered Brother Branham’s prayers over and over again, raising the faith in the people to believe his Message. He left his family and tabernacle in Jeffersonville to travel the world, all the while making tapes for a generation to come.
We’ve heard modern-day skeptics make the foolish statement: “Show me one prophecy that came to pass.” There is an old saying in the English language, “Ignoring the elephant in the room.” It basically means that they ignore the obvious because they don’t want to discuss it. Here is the metaphoric “elephant in the room” for the skeptics: From the beginning of his ministry, Brother Branham referred to his tapes being translated and going around the world.

Like all prophets, he spoke as if his prophecies were happening at that time. The fact is that while his tapes were circulated around the United States, only a handful were sent overseas, and there were almost no translations. He constantly made statements like this, “Now that's on tapes, it goes across the world, thirty-seven different languages they're translated in.” When Brother Branham said that in 1960, there were probably no translations of the sermons he mentioned – NONE! It has not been until this generation that we are seeing these things come to pass.
It’s now been 70 years since the Angel met Brother Branham and gave him his commission. Over that time, the Message the prophet brought us has gently guided us to our Lord and Saviour, and showed us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We’ve seen it proven over and over through miracles, prophecy, and most importantly, the Word. How much do these past 70 years mean to the Bride? Only eternity will tell.
Here is the downloadable testimony from Brother Branham titled, “How The Angel Came To Me And His Commission.” That tape has been translated into... 37 different languages!
(Note: as this article was being written and the quote was chosen about the tapes, the author had no idea that the audio for “How The Angel…” was translated and recorded into 37 different languages. The idea to add the audio download came after the article was written.)
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