The Little Things

That the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass, if you can take the right attitude towards that promise.

61-0516A Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever

This brother had the right attitude towards a very serious situation. Instead of fighting the battle himself, he placed the battle into the Lord's hands and you will soon read the outcome.

This is what Jesus Christ did for me one night as I was heading home from visiting a friend.

It was dark and I had my phone in my hand after just calling my mom. A man rode up behind me on a bicycle and demanded my cell phone and my money. As this was happening, in my mind I kept praying and asking Jesus what I should do. A Scripture came to me: "resist not evil." (Matt 5:39)

So I gave him the phone and my wallet, and he rode off. Shortly before, I had been singing a song, “I've got something that this world can't give and this world can't take it away.” I was reminded of this again. I remembered that I had in my wallet a number for someone I had wanted to witness to, and my tithes. I began to believe that God could return my wallet to me. I began to thank Him, believing, and continued singing. Shortly afterward the man rode back to me and handed me my phone and wallet and then rode away. I knew that God had touched his heart causing him to return it.

When I told my mom and my sister, my sister who is an unbeliever, told me that the man had probably returned the phone and wallet because it was a cheap phone and the wallet had little money in it. But I knew better. I knew that it was God.