
Are you afraid to take His Word for anything? Don’t be afraid. Call the thing right. “I am an heir to this. Oh, I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m an heir anyhow. Because I’m an heir, I receive it.” Amen. That’s it. There you are. “Because I am an heir…” That’s it. We’re heir of salvation, heir of the Holy Spirit. I’m an heir, because Jesus paid the price. Nothing I had to do, I just fell heir to it. Amen. I’m healed, because I’m an heir to it. My diseases are gone; my affliction is gone. Why? Because I’m an heir to it. Oh, perfect assurance. Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchased of God, borned of His Spirit, washed in His Blood. That’s our story.

59-0423 Abraham's Seed

I would just like to say thank you to the Lord for healing me.

I have suffered with very severe allergies all of my life, and I have needed to take shots for affects. My health has been poor because of this.

Last Tuesday, I was going to the allergy specialist for them to conduct a complete lab of allergy testing on me. I prayed a simple prayer before going, asking the Lord to deliver me. I tested negative on every possible allergen that was performed in the test! Thank you Lord Jesus, I am now not allergic to anything!

Your brother in Christ,

Brother Robert

South Dakota