How The Candle Got Lit

This sister’s candle had been lit for a long time, but it simply was not burning as bright as it should have. Distractions like television, movies, career, and especially social media occupied so much of her life that she barely had time for the Lord. The one, very important, thing she kept up with was going to church. It was during one of those church services that she recognized the devil’s tactics and met him head-on. Here is her testimony.

Something happened to me in 2014 that no matter what happens, I'll NEVER be able to get away from it.

It all started with the Message in one hand and the Bible in the other. I was born and raised in the Message. I didn't have to search far for true examples of what it was like to be a genuine Christian; I found it in my parents. You can say I was a "good" Christian, (or so I thought) an avid church attender, sang specials, long hair, etc.

In the beginning of 2014, the Lord started dealing with me about the little things that crept in during the years of being a fine churchgoer. TV shows, movies, and an addiction to social media. My desire for Hollywood entertainment vanished, but I was left with the unending habit of checking social media to “fellowship” with friends. I had started a photography business and was doing quite well for myself, except in order to keep up with my fellow competitors I needed to keep my profile page fresh with new material.

With a business, being a young mom and wife, I barely had time for the Lord. I would often feel guilty about this but I just pushed it off. Besides, when the "squeeze" comes we'll devote our entire time to the Lord, right? Well the squeeze in my life came earlier than I thought and different than I thought it would. We had a minister stop by and he preached on “Giants.” He mentioned that we all have a giant in our life that needs to be brought down. Well, it pierced my soul. That night on the drive home from church, the battle was on in my mind. I knew what had to be done and by the time we pulled into our parking lot, my mind was made.

I got rid of all the distracting social medias, threw my business out the door, and pulled out the box of messages I had stored in my closet. Brethren, I can't begin to tell you the joy; it truly is unspeakable! I started my days off with the Bible in one hand and the Message in the other. I was reading like I was starving! I truly was starving friends! I started with the message, “The Flashing Red Lights Of The Sign Of His Coming,” because I had a dream that Brother Branham came to me and handed me four messages and said, “Read it.” And when I looked, the message on top was, “The Flashing Red Lights Of The Sign Of His Coming.”

I began feasting every day on His Word. The more I read the Bible, the more I wanted to read a message and vice versa. I challenge any one that says that this Message isn't the true Word; they just don't read the Bible right! I started feeling His presence come into my home every day. It truly was fellowship every day. I stayed up at night just thinking about Him. This Message is absolutely my absolute. I know Christ personally because of the hidden Manna He left for me! I know what happened to me, and it all happened in a secret place. It was Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Friends, since this jubilee has started in my life, there have been so many testimonies, the Lord vindicating this Truth over and over again. Stay with this Message. He's coming soon.

May our gracious Lord perfect you in love divine.

Sister Sarah
