Letters From Prisoners

The letters we receive from prisoners around the country are touching to say the least, but this batch could soften even the most stony heart. Here are a few excerpts from the hundreds of letters we receive from inmates every month.

I wanted to let you know that Jesus is growing in my heart. Seems I am so behind and am rushing to catch up. Every book I read, I feel that I should have known this years ago, but there was no teacher then. Now you are here and I want to learn all I can before it’s too late for me. Many things used to bother me here, but now it’s like I’m not here anymore, just listening to God talk to me through your words. I just love you all and you may not be here, but someday I’ll greet you face to face. I really love your books.


Mr. Branham please forgive me. I misunderstood so much about you and was always told not to go that way, it’s wrong. But the first thing you did was to send me some books and a Bible. Now why, if somebody’s off like they say, would he send me a Bible that I can check everything? So I started reading and as I read, my life changed. The more I read, the more I changed. People started noticing that I started talking about the Message. Some wise guy laughed and said, “You know he’s dead.” Well, it shook me. I did not know. The books are so full of life, so alive. A couple of days went by and someone said, what are the books about? I said, “Jesus Christ.” He borrowed one, I said, “They said He died.” He said, “Who, Jesus?” I said, “No. He’s alive.” Like a lightning bolt it hit me, these books are the Word of God, nothing about them can die! They are the Words of my Lord that came through His prophet, Brother Branham. Jesus’ Words just the same. I took off to find the wise guy, but he was transferred. I have been reading, “Show Us The Father.” I haven’t stopped since I started about two weeks ago. Nobody talks about my Jesus like Brother Branham. Thank you. I love all of you.


You can’t image what it is like in here. When you first walk down the hall then into the cellblock, you are just scared to death and trying to be cool. This is home for the next years of my life, and feel I’d rather die. Then at night the noise starts, which I can’t describe. It’s just hideous. I don’t think anyone sleeps that first night. Fellow in line told me I look terrible, and said I can’t sleep like this. He said it takes a while to get used to, but you will. I said, how do you keep sane in here? He said, “Here,” and he reached in his jump suit and gave me a book called, A Prophet Visits South Africa. He just raised his hand and said, “It will calm you down, take the noise away, and give you peace. Just write to the address and read all you can. You’ll understand soon.” I started reading and I don’t understand but it all, but what he said was true. I was never so moved about anything I ever read. Bless you people for making this life livable and please send me more.


The four of us from our little prison fellowship here in Africa wish to praise you and thank you for this Word of God in our age. God bless you.

Republic Of South Africa

I’ve been a studying Christianity for 22 years, faithfully serving my Lord Jesus Christ. A fellow Christian inmate here left me a book titled, The Seven Church Ages. Wow, is all I could say! I’ve never read anything so powerful in Christian faith and history. Brother Branham covers it all. What an eye-opener I have had. Please, whatever you do, send me a copy of the life-changing book.


Every day I thank Jesus Christ for Brother Branham. I feel Jesus sent him here just to help me!


The blessings we receive from Brother Branham’s sermons are priceless. Only eternity will tell you how appreciated you are for the service you provide.


Last year you sent me a Bible and Brother Branham’s books. They were a great inspiration to me, and I started sharing the Word. A very young 17 year-old came through here. He was scared. We tried to comfort him, and I shared the Word with him and Brother Branham’s teachings. After a few weeks he was released and I gave him the Bible to take with him. A few weeks passed and I received a letter from his grandparents. They said they were surprised when he came home carrying a Bible and talking about salvation and baptizing. They wanted to thank me for taking the time with him. I told them the address is in the Bible. I also wanted to thank you for helping all us in prison to find Jesus Christ through your Bibles and the teachings of Brother Branham. Never think the work is in vain.


I love reading Brother Branham’s books. He breaks everything down for me to understand the Truth and about the false denominations. His teachings give me faith and knowledge of a real Christian. I would greatly appreciate more of his teachings in the Spanish language, please.


Just thank you.


You have given me the most precious thing I ever had, the Word of Life. Thank you and God bless your work.

Republic Of South Africa

I greet you as one that has been risen from the dead, for indeed without Christ we are dead. How can a man come to this knowledge? I tell you, only by the true Word of God right from the prophet. God bless Brother Branham and the ministry. The Word is being fulfilled.

Republic Of South Africa

Thank you for the help you have given me. Every time I find myself in the presence of God, I remember to ask God to help you continue in the Work you are doing in service, something I would like to imitate. And in doing that it almost breaks your heart when someone turns you down and says they aren’t interested in that “Jesus stuff” and laugh about being saved.


I had a dream recently about reading the Seven Seals book, and at the end the Lord revealed to me that His coming was soon. It all was very touching to me and wonderful. So I am doing everything I know to get ready for His coming. I believe this Message will get us there.


I am spending a lot of time speaking to others about the difference between the Message brought by Brother Branham and the denominational teachings. Most of these people are locked into their church beliefs that teach error, and they just can’t see it, though it is as clear as can be. Even with the water baptism as clear as it is seems to be, this is too much for them to see and they will argue all day that I am wrong. God help them is my prayer. Remember me in your prayers.


In January I came to jail, and a few days later someone talked to me about Jesus Christ and His prophet. They told me about you guys. I’ve been reading the books ever since, but I never quite understood till the other day. See, I just finished “A Prophet Visits South Africa” and I’ve never cried so much in my life. What a man, what pain he suffered. My wife came to visit and she said, “You seem different.” I told her I read of a man who walked with Jesus. She said, “Who was it?” I looked at her beautiful blue eyes, and yes she is crossed-eyed. In my head I hear Brother Branham say about the baby with blue crossed-eyes. Right there, in front of all the people I lost it, I just cried like a baby. I had to leave, I was crying and saying, “Forgive me Lord, I don’t deserve her Lord, I’m not worthy of this Message, Lord I’m not worthy to breathe the prophet’s name.” Please pray for me. I know I’m forgiven, I know I’m saved, but I’m not sure of myself, not sure of my heart. I’m scared.