Letters From Prisoners

Sometimes the Lord has to lead us to a dark place to see the Light. Here are a few excerpts from letters received from brothers and sisters who may be living in a dark place, but they have found the Light of the Lord Jesus.

I just love church history, so when I saw your book, The Church Ages, I grabbed it up. Total shocker! I read a lot about the church but never anything like this. It all made sense, and it all lined up with the other histories, but not the way he explained it. Then the bombshell, how is this possible? Who is the writer? This could only be put together by revelation from God, and the Word only comes to a prophet, there it was! Branham had to be a prophet, a real prophet in our day. Oh, people, what is this? I want more. I read everything that was here, and I am now writing for everything you have.


I was raised in the Message, baptized at the age of twelve. My parents both passed over and I was on my own. Over the years I managed to get myself into trouble, and now I have to pay the cost. I've been talking with my aunt, and she has been trying to get the books to me, but it's not allowed. Then I saw an ad for answers to what happen in the "Garden," so I wrote. To my surprise, in the mail, I received Brother Branham's books. I had no Idea, as soon as I could I called my aunt, and we both rejoice over the answered prayer. Thank you, we never knew of the Voice Of God and your programs, but now we both will be asking for books. God bless you.


I been here 46 years, and I have never had a Bible. Another inmate gave me a pamphlet, "Curtain of Time." He said I could write you for more. I tell you, I read the pamphlet with tears in my eyes. I don't know Brother Branham, but I love him, he just seems so honest and caring. Please send me more and a Bible if you can. I want to see God.


Brothers, how much I appreciate this Message and Brother Branham, truly a man of God. I have been baptized and dedicated myself to His word. Now I am seeking the new nature that Brother Branham talks about. Please remember me in prayer.


I asked another sister inmate here what she was reading. She said a book on the church ages/ This sparked a memory. See, as a child, I remember our church had Brother Branham's picture on the wall and the chart of the Seven Church Ages. She gave me your address, and I am writing asking for this book and any else you can send. I long to go back to those days, get back to God.


I have received the books, and I wanted to tell you that all questions I once had are answered. And to think I had to be in jail to receive them. What a blessing from God, the voice of the prophet! Thank you.


I looked in my mirror this morning, looked real hard, turned and knelt by my bed. Tears in my eyes I prayed, "Lord you have given me the best three years of my life, I don't see that wild man that wanted to take on anyone he saw. Once I could not stand my reflection, so corrupt. Now I look and see tears of joy and the image of Christ. Lord, I owe it all to Your prophet that teaches me about Jesus Christ and the ones that stand on and make his Message available, even to the undeserving. Thank you."


I am a short timer, given six months. I did something stupid. I always went to church and love to read my Bible. You can imagine my surprise when I ran into a bunch of Bible-toting inmates in prison! Well, we just have great times, these brothers are wonderful and very Bible smart. We were talking, and I mentioned that I always wondered about Melchizedek, who is He and what his part is? Well, they looked at each other and said it is very deep, but rather than try to tell you, you need to get it from the only one that knows. They gave me your address and said, "Just ask for, Who is Melchizedek. You will not have any doubt after reading it."


I got transferred to this facility, and this one inmate started talking to me about a man. He would tell me the most fantastic stories about the Bible that would make me cry. He read about Paul holding the coats of the ones that stoned Steven and how Paul never forgot the part he played. Then he'd talk about Moses. I could sit and listen for hours. Then he told me about a Serpent Seed. I said, "Wait, it does not read like that." He said it did. I said, "What, that's the truth, where do you get all this stuff?" He said, "I've been waiting for you to ask." Then he told me the most fantastic story I ever heard about a prophet in the land. He said I want you to meet him, and then he gave me your address. He said, just ask for a bite of the manna from Heaven.


I was always Catholic and always walked away from church, wondering what the deal was. I should feel something. I listened to the priest, but it was just blah blah blah, as they say. So I got in with an interesting group of guys and ended up in jail. Well, in here I ran into a book called the Church Ages. Well, by page ten I was hooked. I never read a whole book in my life, but I knew I would not put this one down. Well, there is more in the index of this book than I had in all my years as a Catholic. Why is this hidden from everyone? One inmate saw me reading the book and said, "It's a life changer." I said, "Are you kidding, this is a world changer!" He laughed and said, "Buddy, you're just scratching the surface." He gave me your address, so I am asking you for more, this is life!


Brothers, I've been reading the Message for eleven years now and praying for an early release. I felt I grew so much spiritually that I was ready for the world. Well, as you see my address changed, I am now in Max Security here in prison. See, I met a man that taught me a lesson. I'm not ready, I'm a fool just kidding myself. I need prayer and I need to start over. Somewhere I got wrapped up in "me" and what I thought, I forgot that He is God, I'm just clay. This guy jumped in front of me at chow. I called him a name. He turned, and well, you can tell, I'm in isolation. Forgive me, church forgive me and pray for my lost soul.


I was a skeptic, but after much searching and prayer, I have turned into a believer in Brother Branham and his Message. I totally agree with his teachings as it is backed by the Word of God, but it is hard to understand that so many millions can be wrong. I know people baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost that speak in tongues, and I've seen miracles and healings preformed. Surely, this can't all be wrong, all these through the history being deceived, to what objective? I don't understand. I now know that the Name of Jesus Christ is the correct way, but what about all the rest. Please send me the teachings that explain all this.