Brother Pearry Green

We pray that You'll give us a great outpouring of the Spirit. Bless us together. Bless every church, every member.

And, Lord, especially bless our dear young brother here, Brother Pearry Green, walks out in the forefront to try to put forth This. May the people of—of this lovely city see the—the feeling that this young man has for the people here, to bring them to the Christ that he loves. And he's trying to bring in every ministry that he would think that would be right, that he's examined by the Word, and he wants to see the people be saved.

Help us, Father, in our efforts, as we give ourselves to You for service, to the honor and glory of God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

64-0311 God Is Identified By His Characteristics

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Brother Pearry Green has gone Home to be with the Lord.

Brother Green needs no introduction. Most believers around the world respect him as a true hero of the Gospel. He was a close associate of Brother Branham, and has testified for more than 6 decades about the powerful things he witnessed concerning God’s prophet.

One of Brother Green’s most significant accomplishments in his early years was an innovative way to bring churches together through what Brother Branham called the “telephone hookup.” It provided a way for hundreds of believers in all parts of the country to hear the prophet speak live, and in their own churches. He carried on this work through the years, always coming up with new ideas to get the Gospel to as many people as would hear it.

We're on the telephone hookup, which is a fine little system that we have been able to get, through our Brother Pearry Green from Beaumont, Texas. And the churches, completely, that's following the Message, all the way across the United States, is hooked up, tonight.

Even from a young age, Brother Green had a strong revelation of the Word. One humble statement he made even caught the attention of God’s prophet.

Yesterday he said, "I don't get the Word from the Lord as maybe It would come in revelation, as—as It's been sent, but," said, "I like to—to stress upon what has been said." He said, "Like when Paul wrote something in the Bible, I come here to stress upon what he said." Said, "I have no message, only just to stress on what's already been said from the Lord." Now that was really remarkable, a—a young fellow like that, and say, make a remark like that.

Throughout his ministry, he never wavered in his love for Brother Branham’s Message, loyally pastoring the Tucson Tabernacle for 50 years, always fearlessly willing to make a stand against any foe.

His work, wisdom, and inspiring testimonies have impacted countless people worldwide. We will miss our noble brother, and look forward to seeing him on the other Side.