Preserving His Own

The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

Psalm 12:6-7

We received this testimony from Mexicali, Mexico.

This family lives in an Ejido (farming community), out of the metropolitan area of Mexicali. On August 29th, a fire started at their home consuming all the house. Everything burned in the fire, everything on the shelves, pictures, and all the decor. There was nothing spared when I say everything got damaged; the flames covered the entire house.

The fire department was delayed in getting there, so when they arrived, the fire was everywhere throughout the house.


After the fire was controlled and then extinguished, they entered the house and found the disaster that the fire of this size does. The air conditioning units were even melted. Very close to where the units were installed, there was some decorative stuff that was completely destroyed, everything except a picture and the Bible.

This is the picture that was found, the glass was broken as a result of the fire, but the picture remains in good condition.

This testimony was sent by Brother Salvador and Sister Imelda Machado.

Thanks be to God, they all are well. The fire caused material damages only.