Teaching On Moses

If you listened to Teaching On Moses over the weekend, then you know all about “A pitchfork in a load of hay.” You also heard about long-nosed witches (the longer, the better) with painted fingernails, and crocodiles that don’t like the smell of tar. We laughed together when little Miriam was too hungry to tell Mom and Dad about who took her baby brother out of the Nile River. Our children stood to their feet when Brother Branham asked, “Do you want Jesus to watch over you now…?” We all marched to the tune of “I’m In The Lord’s Army” and we all prayed together when Brother Branham had us kneel at the altar. Most importantly, we learned: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

With tears in our eyes and smiles on our faces, thousands of us around the world received a wonderful blessing as God’s prophet gave us a unique treat this Mother’s Day. Here are a few of the comments we received.


I'm soooo haaapppyyyy!!!!

These Good News today made my heart beat faster than ever:),

I wanna run out and praise God!!!

I’ll for SURE and with gladness attend the service, knowing we’re many around the globe hearing God’s Voice. Ohh, I AM SO HAPPY!!!

Sister Eva, Norway

I thank God for a loving, Godly mother who loved the Lord and this Message with all her heart. She is in glory now with my Dad who she always stood by. She stood for every Word God spoke through His prophet, Bro. Branham. I love her and am looking to see her in the soon coming Resurrection morning. I am trusting by God's grace to be the kind of mother she and Jochebed were. Thank you for the quote and the tape, “Teaching On Moses.” This Word Message means more than life to me. God bless you.

Your sister in the Lord.


How wonderful!! God bless you Brother Joseph and thank you once again for letting us come together and sit in Heavenly Places with the Bride around the world! I can't wait for Sunday.




I really appreciate your comments about mother. I think no one has enough words to describe a gallant or significant mother. To tell truth, she's special by herself.


A perfect present for me to enjoy this Mother's Day. This makes the month of May so much sweeter. Kind of helps bridge the gap from the last jubilee tape, “Look” to the next June tape, “Come Follow Me.”


I want to thank the Dear Lord Jesus for the mother I had who followed this precious Message and prayed for me when I was out in sin and rebellion. It was thru her intercessory prayers that kept me, until God awoke me to the need of a true personal walk with my Dear Lord Jesus.


(The following comment was sent in Spanish. Because “Teaching On Moses” has not been translated, this sister downloaded the book and copied each page into Google Translate so she could participate.)

God bless you, I want to share my testimony. I read the VGR page daily. I was sad that the Moses Teaching was only in English. I could not go to church today. I’m at home recovering from an endoscope and the doctor’s recommendation was not to move from home. I was sad not to be able to hear or read the Message. I sat at the computer and used the translator and God gave me a gift on Mother’s Day. I was able to read it in Spanish and see how the prophet teaches us about a good father Amram praying, a good mother Jochebed, and the union in thier home to trust in God in that manner. My prayer is that God will teach us to trust in Him and teach our children to entrust their souls to Him in order not to lose them. These Messages we’ve been hearing along with the Bride around the world, have been a great blessing.

Great blessings to all the mothers on this day.

A sister in Christ,


This week was dedicated to the mothers. Since I follow VGR news I listened to the message, Teaching On Moses. It was really such blessing to me. What touched me most was as follows: “If you give your life to Christ you save it, but if you hold your life you lose it.”

Then I was thinking in my own life: did I gave my life to Christ? I said on my own, yes I did! I wondered again, “if I did what proves it?” Then something in me said, “because you listen to the Voice.” I said Amen. I was then very quiet.

At the same time as far as we live in a Portuguese country, we don’t have yet the message “Teaching on Moses” translated in our language according to what I know, but the desire to be in the same step with VGR is too strong that we listened to the Message, “Mother’s Day.”

At the end I asked a new single sister. I said, “how was the message sister?” She said, “fine. I understood that we got to be good mothers and read the Bible with our children.” Then I said, “the Tapes are as clear as Brother Branham preached them.”


After 31 years - This is my best Mother's Day EVER!!!

Can't find words to express myself - it's a real Jubilee going on with me here. GLORY!! PRAISE BE TO GOD. I have read this Message book more than once, but reading and listening to this message is a million miles apart. This is just wonderful. It's so glorious!


Thanks be to GOD ALMIGHTY for making this possible.

Praise His Holy Name. Isn't He Wonderful!


Wonderful, exciting, blessed! Words can't express the feeling mothers and children experienced in the presence of God this Sunday at Perfect Love Fellowship, Windhoek, listening to the Voice of God through His prophet. Not only mothers, but brothers and fathers as well, all repeating after prophet “if you lose it you’ll keep it, keep it and you’ll lose it.” Amen. We were all captivated by the beautiful illustration of the prophet. And precious Bro. Michel printed few copies which was given to the mothers and a few brothers. At the end, it was marvelous to see mothers and children rushing to the altar at the invitation of the Holy Ghost through His prophet to receive their blessing. thx Brother Joseph, thx VGR. Love you.

Bro. Cleopas, Namibia

Enjoyed the Message this morning! It felt as if we were right there as Amram and Jochebed walked by faith, giving him up so they could keep him. Brother Branham explained the drama so well that I could literally see those ten thousand angels come down as baby Moses floated down the Nile River. I loved that she got 300 dollars a week for nursing her baby. So much to be said about this tape, truly a wonderful Mother's Day gift to me and to my children as we re-dedicated their lives to Him.


God Bless you all. We really appreciated the invitation to listen to “Teaching on Moses” today. I'm pretty sure that I have feasted on this message before, but it was never like this. As we sat there listening to it this morning in church, I couldn't fight back the tears (this doesn't happen to me often) and I was trying to hide it from my wife. It was a dramatic masterpiece, outstanding. Felt like I was right there with them. We had a really special time at the close of the sermon, as Bro Branham invited the little ones and their parents to the altar for prayer, and many responded to the call. It was wonderful to see the children kneeling at the altar in prayer. The young people hosted a Mother’s Day program after the service downstairs, where they did a short play on the story of Hannah and baby Samuel (from Cub Corner ISSUE #6), not knowing that Bro. Branham would give us a drama today. It seemed to fit the theme so perfectly, “If you keep it, you'll lose it; but if you give it back to the One Who gave it to you, you'll find it and keep it.” Thanks for making Mother’s Day REALLY EXTRA SPECIAL.

Keep pressing on,

Bro. Kye Trinidad, West Indies

Wonderful! Amazing! Brother Branham preached that sermon for MY family. All of us have heard Teaching On Moses many times, but it's just different knowing that believers around the world are listening too. It seemed like we were right there in the Tabernacle and Brother Branham was with us, even though we were actually in our living room at home. We sang, we marched, and we knelt down to pray with Brother Branham. This was a special Mother's Day to us. Thanks. Let's do it again!


What a wonderful blessing that my family and I received Sunday morning as we listened to Brother Branham take us back to Egypt and place us there with Amram and Jochebed! He tells what seems like a simply story but oh how deep and rich it was! At the end of the tape my wife and I got down with our one year old and dedicated our lives to God. What a blessing!

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."