God Was Talking To Me

Here is the testimony of a young girl who put her faith in action at the right time, while hearing the anointed Word of God.

Hello, I wanted to share my testimony. I hope it will bless someone.

When I was only a few weeks old, my grandparents noticed a knot above my right eye, so my parents took me to the doctor and he said that it was called a fatty tumor, and as long as it wasn't unmovable, it would be fine. When I was about ten or eleven, the eye doctor told us that I had stigmatism and lazy eye in my left eye, and that I would need glasses. I always hated wearing my glasses, and hoped that someday I wouldn’t have to wear them anymore.

As time went on, the fatty tumor kept dropping lower and lower over my eye, and the doctor continually said that I needed glasses.

I had tried to accept my healing so many times, but always got discouraged, or I was afraid that people would think me crazy if I said I was healed. Last Thursday evening, at our weekly youth service, we were listening to the tape "Why?"(60-0309) preached in Phoenix, AZ.

At the end of the service Brother Branham was going to pray for the sick, and he said,

Now, I can… I feel, in my own make-up that the Holy Spirit, somebody is touching Him. Yeah, there’s plenty of them now.

I was praying that I would be the one that had touched Him, and then he began to speak to a lady with heart trouble, and told her that she had problems eating salt. I thought "maybe that was it" because even though I've never had heart trouble, I had experienced problems eating salt.

But then what happened next was miraculous! He said,

Standing here now, I see a woman; she’s praying. She is wearing glasses, and she’s praying for her eyes. Yes, ’cause they’re getting dim. Here she is setting right here. Right back in here, glasses on. She’s been healed once before in my meetings. That’s right. That is right. Now, you… That’s true what’s she was praying about. All right. Now, you can go home, believe with all your heart, and be made well.

I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was talking to me, so I accepted my healing right then, and began to tell others!

I haven't worn my glasses since then, and I've been able to see clearer each day. Also, the fatty tumor has moved to the side of my eye and has been getting smaller.

I'm so thankful God still speaks directly to us through His Word and through tapes recorded fifty years ago. I know my complete healing is on the way, and that very soon I'll be able to see with perfect vision.

I hope this will encourage someone's heart, and help them to know that God is still in the miracle business.

God bless you all.

Your sister in Christ,
