He said to His disciples, wearied, they had had lots of big meetings, was tired, perhaps like you are this morning. But He said, "Will you just watch with Me an hour? For I've got to go yonder and have a conference. I have to go alone." And when they…
The conference was set. And the Lamb, young, a beautiful life, never a life like that. Never was, never will be, a life like that the Lamb had. But now the Father said, "Are You willing? Is Your love for Your brethren great enough? Is Your love for that sinful, stinking world that You were born in, do You love them enough to forfeit Your life? Do You love them enough to take their place, to bear their sins, to the hardest, crucial death?" You…There could be nothing die that kind of death but Him.
And in that conference, such a decision was made, until Blood dropped from His brow. He was under a strain. The sins of the world was upon Him. And then He looked into the face of the Dove, and said, "Not My will, but Thy will be done."