
We’ve all read the stories of the widow woman and the barrel of meal, Gideon and his fleece, and Jesus telling the Pharisees to cast the first stone. These Bible stories are not only recorded for a historical account, but they are also to be applied to our own lives in this modern day. The same goes for Brother Branham’s Message.

A precious possession was stolen from this brother. He remembered a testimony Brother Branham told about a stolen car and applied it to his own life. He and his son prayed. What was the result? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever!

About a year ago, I had stopped in the morning to purchase gas at a local gas station on the way into town. I then drove about 15 miles to a home improvement store.

While I was at the customer service desk, the clerk asked to see my driver’s license. I reached for my wallet in my back pocket, but it wasn’t there. I suddenly realized that I had laid my wallet on top of the gas station pump.

I quickly left the store and drove all the way back to the gas station. The wallet wasn’t laying on the pump, so I walked in to the convenience store to speak to the manager. He suggested that we rewind the surveillance camera footage.

Together we viewed a man pumping gas into his car shortly after the time I was there (about 10:00 AM), and noticed him reaching up on top of the gas pump. Unfortunately, the camera was at an angle that couldn’t pick up the man’s license plate number, so I gave my contact information to the store manager.

My oldest son and I prayed on our way home and discussed the testimony of Brother Welch Evans' car that was returned after the brothers met with Brother Branham and together asked the Lord to turn the man around and “send him back, wherever he was.”

I mentioned to my wife that the person who took my wallet would see a picture of the Pillar of Fire, since it is the first thing you see when it’s opened.

About 3:00PM that afternoon, I received a call from the convenience store manager. There was excitement in his voice when he told me that he had my wallet.

When I walked into the store to pick it up, the manager remarked, “You are not going to believe what just happened! A man ran in with his head down, laid your wallet on the counter, and told me to ‘get this back to the owner.’ Then he rushed out the door!” Attached is a picture of my wallet.

When I picked it back up and examined it, I couldn’t find anything missing! We were convinced that the person, after seeing the picture of the Pillar of Fire, was stopped and turned around by the Holy Spirit, just like the car thief in Brother Evans' testimony!

I couldn’t help but notice that my wallet was gone for approximately 5 hours, as I am always looking at the numbers. Brother Branham said that God is known by His numbers. I’d like to share the following quote:

David had it wrapped in-in his fingers, and he had five stones in his hand. What is that? F-a-i-t-h in J-e-s-u-s. And here he comes, and he brought back the sheep.

63-1116e Perseverance

Praise the Lord!

A brother in Christ,
