If We Only Knew

7 After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.

Acts 16:7

God sees what we can’t see and He is going to protect us whether we understand what He is doing or not. If we only knew how many times His mighty hand was upon us. Sometimes we ask for things that will end up harming us, but He knows our hearts and He knows how to answer our prayers. It could be a frustrating situation like losing a set of keys that could be the window for us to see it was Father’s protecting hand the whole time. We should always be mindful of the little things that God does for His children. 

My husband lost his keys Wednesday night, and he called me from work to tell me that he needed me to pray and to come pick him up. I texted my dad and asked him to be in prayer with us. He told me that I needed to go to VGR's site and read the testimony, "Perseverant" and that it would help me in this time. I read the testimony and was so thankful for that brother's words. It gave me a simple reminder of how great our God is, that He takes the time to reveal to us the smallest things that we may have misplaced.

I made it to my husband's work shortly after, and we searched for hours. My sweet husband got off at 7 pm, and it was getting late for our little eight-month-old to be out. We didn't make it home until just a few minutes before 11 pm. On our way home, there was a car accident ahead of us, as well as one on my way to pick up my husband. He looked over at me and said, "Maybe I lost my keys because the Lord was protecting me, and maybe we didn't find them tonight because he was keeping us safe by letting us search for so long."

We left early the next morning so my husband could drop me off at my work, and then he went back to his work to search for the keys. Within a few minutes of arriving at his work, he called me and said his keys were laying right next to the road at his work where we had just searched for hours the night before.

Thank the Lord for his protection, and for not letting anything be hidden that won't be revealed.


I'm so glad that we have a Shelter. “The Name of the Lord is a mighty Tower, the righteous run into It and are safe.” No matter how many bombs or how many anything else that…We're safe There. So, the world and the sinner, not having this Shelter, or this safety Place, it's a shaking time. I believe, if I wasn't a Christian, I'd go crazy, to thinking of what might happen at any time. And with a house full of little kiddies, and everything, I wouldn't know what to do. But I'm so glad that I can stand in my house and introduce to them a Shelter that no bomb could ever touch, or nothing else, under the protecting Wings of the Lord Jesus. “Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit,” saith the Lord. See? That is our protection.

56-1125M A Secondhanded Robe