Very few things can compare to these words from our brothers in prison. Many of them have nothing, having lost all their friends and family, and for some, that’s what it took to find Everything. They may have committed crimes and deserve to be where they are, but it doesn't mean that they are not members of the Bride of Christ. As one brother put it in his letter, " me a seat at the Table, I’ll be there." Here are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners.
For many years I have believed and read this Message from our prophet. There is nothing more important in my life. However, I am just amazed at the attitude of many of the people now. I can be talking with another and repeat something Brother Branham said, and they are so surprised, they never thought of that or never seen it that way before, even to the Chaplain! However, as soon as I tell them who it came from, or even mention Brother Branham’s name, they turn cold and change the topic, walk off. I want to cry, they have the whole world, just grab it, but they walk away. I am sick in my soul.
I am from Mexico, and now I am so happy to be in jail. Since being in prison I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, I would not have this chance back home. I was so glad to leave home, and now I cannot wait to return and take back with me all I have learned. We have a direct connection with Jesus Christ that no one can interfere with. I am so happy. I will be contacting the office when I get home, I plan on spending the rest of my life in study and in teaching what I have learned.
I have received the books you sent me. I was hesitant to ask for the books as I am not a religious man, but after receiving them, I feel like a fool. Someone asked me about the ‘religious’ books I received, and I told them they are not about religion but Jesus Christ! I talked to my mother and told her about Brother Branham, and she asked me to send her the books when I am finished with them. She said that someone at work was telling dad about a prophet. She also asked if I would ask you to send books to my brother, he is also in prison. I know I am changing, I feel it in my soul. People say to keep your eye on the prize, keep Jesus in your heart. However, friends, you can’t do it. It’s easy to say, but unless you know who and what Jesus Christ is, how do you know what to keep your eye on or what the prize is. How can I understand, except the prophet teaches me. Thank you again.
You can guess from where I am, what I was. I’m mid 50’s and I’m not leaving here standing up, but I deserved it. From the day I was born, I knew I was going in a handbasket, as they say. That was up to this year when someone gave me a book on The Life Story. It was strange, but if someone could prove to me that the book was all a lie, I still would believe it with all my heart. It just affected me in a way I never knew. This man, you know he lived it, you can feel it in every word. I read another on the Red Light, again I know. I don't know anything about prophets or preachers, but I know this is a man from God. I find myself talking to him as I read, that scared me, but I believe every word he says, and If he tells me I’m going to be with him, I am. Send all you can, I believe.
A fellow inmate gave me the book on church ages, and I thought it would be interesting as in Sunday school we studied the history of the church. Well first, I thought this does not seem right it’s not the way I was taught. Then I read Daniel and then Seals. I was a skeptic but not anymore for everything Brother Branham says in these books is the truth. Things I knew were wrong were right there in the Bible all the time. It’s like I’ve been reading the Bible upside down all my life.
There is a scripture that everyone knows what it means and does it, “they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” For years, I would say amen to that. However, if you read any of Brother Branham’s books, you quickly find out that you have no idea what that scripture or any scripture means. Now that’s an amen. I am embarrassed by my life. I have a while to go until my hands are worthy enough to be lifted up to Him, but, I do believe!
I wanted to say thank you, for your ministry. I have been here over twenty years and sometimes you just get tired. I have no family or friends on the outside anymore. I was looking around and thinking yesterday that the only thing in my life is Brother Branham and Jesus Christ. I so look forward for the next books to arrive, even if I read them a hundred times, they are still fresh manna from the Lord. God bless you brothers, save me a seat at the Table, I’ll be there.
I get such a blessing to read Brother Branham say Good Morning Friends. I know I have at least one friend.
Where has this Message been all my life?
Brother Branham talks about books he read, so I started asking about ‘The Two Babylon’s.’ It took a while, but finally, a friend had one sent to me, and during the past months I read it. I’ll tell you, if not for Brother Branham I would have never attempted it, and without years of studying the Message, I don’t see how anyone could read the book. It just magnified the Message so much to me; there is nothing in this world, nothing you can see or touch that has any value at all except for this Message. Thank God for sending us a prophet with the vindicated Truth.
I have recently been introduced to the teachings of Brother Branham. I just love reading the Messages, for there is no doubt this is the Spoken Word of God. Please send more.
God bless this ministry, as you have helped me grow so much in my spiritual life. I love the Message, there is so much truth and understanding. There are many of us here waiting to return home so we can help spread the true Word of God.
I'll be getting out soon, and I wanted to thank you for all the Message books you have sent over the years; they were my life preservers. I thank God for putting the inmates on Brother Joseph’s heart. This is a very dark place and we need the Light.
It’s been three decades and many things have changed. Most of the family is gone, inmates I knew are gone, even prisons have come and gone. However, the sermons I receive today are as true as when first I received! I come and go, (backslide) but this Message never wavers. Thank God for the tie post.
Brothers, I love this Message and can say if not for Brother Branham, I would still be out there wondering in the darkness, thinking I am enlightened. The problem I have is that I have been alone for two years now just fellowshipping with the Word. I went to chapel all the time and I was in many study groups, and then the first Message book came. I guess like everyone I had to share, but unlike the woman at the well, I said "come see a man that answered all my questions and some I did not know I had." Baptizing in Jesus Name was huge! I found that unlike the men in the city, there is no hunger or knowledge here and was chased out. I could go back but it has now become poison and makes me sick to listen. I hide myself in the Message, reading the Word that is so true for this day. God bless, and please remember the outcast.