
17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Galatians 6:17

I am happy today to be one of them, being identified with the Word, which is Christ. Identified with Him! Being baptized into Him, we become identified; identified in His likeness, identified with His Word, which is Him. If I am in Christ, I am His Word; for He is the Word, and what He is I am. Amen!

64-0614M The Unveiling Of God

It seems that everyone today wants to stand out in some way. They mark themselves with tattoos and piercings. They wear clothing that displays their bodies or simply looks foolish. All this effort is put forth to be identified with some sort of nonsense of the world and to receive a little undeserved attention. But the Bride does things differently. We may not want it, but we get plenty of attention. We are not trying to stand out, but we can't help doing it. And when they ask, we are proud to say, "Yeah, I'm one of them."

I had a special and surprising event happen today. I'd picked my son up from Creations and then stopped at a Taco Bell.

I was telling my son that I'd only order the bean and cheese burrito from the value menu and we'd drink water. Then the man in front of us turned and said, "I'm paying for you and your son. Order whatever you'd like."

I prepared to give the order discussed, but he protested and told us to get something better. We did and then I handed him a witness card and said that it meant a lot and may God bless him.

He looked at the witness card and said, "Yes, I've been listening to Brother Branham, that's why I wanted to do something for you." Then he said something like, "I knew you were one of them." His words struck me and made me feel like crying.

How precious it is to be recognized as ONE of THEM! I'm so glad he saw something in us that identified us as one of them. It is so easy to feel like a failure and no good, and wonder if we measure up, but nevertheless the identification is there.

What a comfort!

A sister in Jeffersonville

You know, now, this is kind of a little bit hard. But you are the only Bible that many people will ever read, you Christians. Your life is the only Bible that men, a lot of men and women, will ever read, just the way you act and do. So, Christians are supposed to be a living example of what Christ is. And if Christ is in the human heart, then He'll certainly live His Own Life, for Christ is in you. And the Spirit of Christ be in you, then you become a new creature.

55-0403 Fellowship By Redemption