God Answered My Prayer

And God sets a time and has a purpose for everything that He does. There is nothing happens just accidentally to those who love the Lord and are called according to His calling. See? We are predestinated. And everything works just right, for that, because He cannot lie. And He said that was so, that everything has its time, its season, and it has its way. And God is behind every move.

62-1223 The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word

The Letters From Prisoners article is one of the most popular we post on branham.org, and for good reason! Even though many of us have never found ourselves staring at three concrete walls and a set of prison bars, each one of us can relate to the prison of sin we all found ourselves in at one point.

The following is from the other side of a prison work, a world away in the country of Madagascar. Brother Solofo, VGR distributor and translator, has had a great desire in his heart to reach that particular group of people in need. He had a deep calling in his heart, and there was a deep to respond.

The first time I received the Message books translated in our language (Malagasy), my deepest heart’s desire was how to get them Messages to the Malagasy prisoners.


I’ve tried to get in the Central Prison House in Antananarivo for years.

Finally, last week, God answered my prayer. We got a special authorization from the court’s authorities and could visit all sections in city’s prison. They let us distribute freely the Malagasy books.

Therefore, we could distribute 37 boxes of Malagasy Messages there; that’s 37 titles with all tracts I had.

In that prison, there are four sections for men, one for women, and one for minors.

In the MEN's section, there are 2,323 prisoners. In the WOMEN's section, 300. And in the MINORs' section, 200.


For the section for minors, the books were not enough, so the authorities asked us to come back again the same day in the afternoon, to bring the material, freely, without any new authorization.

The prisoners were very glad and thankful, because they said it was the first time they had received this kind of message. God had satisfied the thirst of my heart. He still answers prayer. Praised be His Holy Name.

Pray for them poor people.

Brother Solofo

VGR Madagascar
