The God Who Is Rich In Mercy

Brother Branham is still at the Westward Ho Hotel in Phoenix, when he brings this evening service. Here are a few highlights from “The God Who Is Rich In Mercy.”

1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Ephesians 2:1-5

And until we get to the place that our own ideas and our own thinking is completely gone and it's rotted away from us, then the germ of life can begin to live.

You don't know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God.

My, I remember, we all had our life, in the past, in those things of the world. But once we got a hold of that real Thing, something that quickened us, a little seed that come to Life, then all the things of the world rotted right there. We had no more desire of it.

And He went away and made a provided way for the ones that wanted to come in, that wanted to do what was right. He, made a way of mercy for those who desired mercy, and He prepared an ark. In other words, He put some wings on His eagles, that they could fly above the judgment, and not drown with the chickens.

But God, rich in mercy, made a way of escape for the Hebrew children, (why?) because they were following in the line of duty, they were following in the Word.

"Whosoever will, may come." And if you've got a will, you should come. But if you haven't no will, then you're in a sad condition.

That's what's the matter with our religious system today, is too many people trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit, too many people trying to impersonate the baptism, too many people trying to impersonate the apostolic age. It's for believers, and that alone.

And when any believer comes to God, he becomes God's attribute of His Word, he is used to manifest the Word that's promised for that day.

And, today, the Holy Spirit is here to vindicate God's Word, and that's the eagle wing that we're supposed to ride on; not some man-made theology.

To be an eagle of God, you've got to follow the Word, day by day. You've got to continue, feed upon the Word.

God is interested in everything that's wrong, everything that you anticipate in. Every walk of life, God is interested in you. You are His child, and He is rich in mercy. He wants to do for you.

But God, rich in His mercy, has sent back the Holy Spirit upon us, and vindicating His Word tonight as He promised He would do.

I said, "I ain't got no power, at all, but I've got authority." Every believer has it.

What is it? It's a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together, of God, to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do.

God, rich in mercy, would not let His people go out in this denominational, "rich in goods and things of the world," Laodicean Church Age, but He would make a way of escape. Believe it, people.

Jubilee Tape Quiz

65-0119 The God Who Is Rich In Mercy


65-0119 Die God Wat Ryk Is In Barmhartigheid


65-0119 Lesa Uyo Wacindama Mu Luse


65-0119 Ang Dios Nga Madagayaon Sa Kalooy


65-0119 Mulungu Yemwe Ali Wolemera Mu Chifundo


65-0119 Le Dieu qui est riche en miséricorde


65-0119 परमेश्‍वर जो अनुग्रह में धनी है


65-0119 Az Isten Aki Gazdag Irgalomban


65-0119 L’Iddio Che È Ricco In Misericordia


65-0119 ព្រះដែលពេញដោយ សេចក្តី មេត្តាករុណា ដ៏លើសលប់


65-0119 Nzambi Yina Kele Ya Kufuluka Na Kyadi


65-0119 Dievas, Apstus Gailestingumo


65-0119 Mulimu Ya Luwile Sishemo


65-0119 Nzambì Udi Mubanji Mu Luse


65-0119 Ilay Andriamanitra Izay Manan-karena Amin’Ny Famindrampo


65-0119 കരണാ സമ്പന്നനായ ദൈവം


65-0119 परमेश्वेर जो दये मध्ये धनवान आहे


65-0119 Den Gud som er rik på barmhjertighet


65-0119 Modimo Yo A Humilego Ka Kgaugelo


65-0119 ଅପାର କରୁଣାମୟ ପରମେଶ୍ୱର


65-0119 Kalunga Ou A Yada Efilonghenda


65-0119 Dumnezeul Care Este Bogat În Îndurare


65-0119 Бог, богатый милостью


65-0119 Mwari Vakapfuma Netsitsi


65-0119 El Dios Que Es Rico En Misericordia


65-0119 Molimo E Leng Morui Oa Mohau


65-0119 Nkulunkulu LoCebile NgeSihawu


65-0119 Mungu Aliye Mwingi Wa Rehema


65-0119 Ang Diyos Na Mayaman Sa Awa


65-0119 இரக்கத்தில் ஐஸ்வரியமுள்ள தேவன்


65-0119 కరుణా సంపన్నుడగు దేవుడు


65-0119 I Leza Oyo Uuvubide Mu Luse


65-0119 Mudzimu O Pfumaho Khathutshelo


65-0119 Modimo Yo O Humileng Boutlwelo Botlhoko


65-0119 Бог, багатий на милосердя


65-0119 خُداجورحم کرنےمیں غنی ہے


65-0119 Đức Chúa Trời Là Đấng Giàu Lòng Thương Xót


65-0119 UThixo Osisityebi Ngenceba


65-0119 UNkulunkulu OCebile NgesiHawu