What a prophetic Message! If you haven’t heard this sermon in a while, then get ready because the prophet tells us what happened, what is happening today, and what is about to happen.
Brother Branham is in Yuma, Arizona for a one-day stop at a banquet at the Ramada Inn.
Here are a few highlights.
I do believe that we are living in the closing scenes of the history of this world. I truly believe that the Coming of the Lord is closer, perhaps, than we think.
There's too much supernatural vindication of God's written Word, of this hour, for something not to be approaching us now.
Now, we believe that there will be a Rapture. All Christians believe that, that's Bible readers, believes that there will be a Rapture.
I want to get up here and say something as I feel led to say it, that I think would be a help to you, something that would further your experience with God, if you are a Christian; and if you're not a Christian, make you so ashamed of yourself, that you will become a Christian. And that's the purpose that I've always tried to line up my thoughts, as the Lord would lead me. Now, we are warned, as in the Doctrine of This in the last days will be scorned at.
But the same Scripture says that they'll come again in the last days. "A Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of reprobate mind concerning Truth." See? Impersonations, all kinds of things to upset people. And then if… This Rapture which is coming to pass, and anything that God has in the line of His Word, there's always something to come out to upset That if they can. It's—it's—it's Satan's purpose to do that.
The first place, that critic, what's the matter with people? See, it's just this day we're living in, scoffers, see, the day to fulfill the prophecy.
Why, my, how education and wisdom of this world has turned the church into a bunch of ragweeds! The…Its education and the educational system, science and civilization, is of the devil. It's the devil's civilization. The Bible said so.
But, to the Church, the Bride, the Rapture is a revelation to Her. It's revealed to Her. That, the revelation, the true Bride of Christ will be waiting for that revelation of the Rapture. Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation without it being faith.
This Rapture that we're talking about, is only for the Bride. Remember, the Bible said, "And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years." This great Rapture! If there's not a Rapture, friends, where are we at? What are we going to do? What age are we living in? What promise do we have? There is going to be a Rapture. The Bible says there will be. And it'll be only for the elected, the Elected Lady, the Bride in this day, that's pulled out, the Church.
You are a part, a son of God, an attribute of God. He knowed the very age you were coming. He predestinated you to that age, to take that place, and no one else can take it; care how many impersonations and things. You've got to be there, because He knew you would be there.
God's Word is original. It's the Word, and It has to bring forth Its kind; Its kind in Its season, elected, predestinated by the Father, God.
Those disciples might not have been able to explain It. But they believed It, whether they could explain It or not.
Look at the world, Sodom, if there ever was a Sodom. Look at the people perverted in such a perverting. Their minds are perverted. They don't know what common decency is.
A voice…A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout…Jesus does all three of them when He's—He's—He's—He's descending.
A shout, what is the shout? It's the Message going forth, first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.
Divine healing, His miracles like that, just catch the eyes of the people. The main heart of It is the Message. There's what is, what comes from in here. He's trying to get the favor of the people, so they'll set and listen to Him, see, for there's some in there that's ordained to Life.
The first thing comes forth is His Message, calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the—the ones died, back in the other ages, they're caught together. And the trumpet, the Feast in the heavens, in the sky. Why, that's the thing that takes place, friends.
Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.
One day, there will come a blast from Heaven, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." Them Old Testament saints back yonder, who are waiting, will blast forth and come out of there first, and go into the resurrection. We'll drop right in line, going into the sky; these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His Own glorious body. What a—what a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward, some of these days, in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That's the hour that we're looking forward to, brother.
And that's what I told the businessmen. Don't never try to take a preacher's place. No, sir. You stay right where you're at. See? You do your work, what God put, told you to do. If you're a finger, you can never be an ear. If you're an ear, you'll never be a nose, nose or eye. See? You stay in your position.
Wonder, could it be already past? Could the Bride already be called? Is that what we're going through today? She has to be molded and made into the image of Christ, and Christ is the Word. That's the only thing.