Acts 19

We would like to share this testimony with the children of God, for the glory of God. We believe that it will be able to increase the faith of someone in a similar situation.

We thank the Lord for His grace in favor of us. Indeed, we are a young couple married in 2016. After our wedding blessing, everything was wonderful. But as the months passed, we began to notice that the pregnancy was not coming.

In some African cultures, when a man marries a woman, a child must come from that union immediately. Otherwise, families consider that you made a serious mistake in getting married because you cannot give birth. This is a real problem in our society, many couples who do not have children are abandoned by their friends, and parents are subject to strong discrimination.

We were really concerned about this situation, which was beginning to attract the attention of our families and people around us. But we still counted on the Lord Jesus Christ. Time passed and it became very distressing and painful to live with this situation. We went to see a gynecologist at the hospital. After several tests prescribed by the doctor, the results were normal. It was, however, surprising that months and months passed without me getting pregnant. Our pastor as well as the associate pastor and several brothers in the prayer service at the church supported us a lot; their assistance allowed us to gain more faith.

One day a pastor was invited to preach in our tabernacle. During his sermon he shared with us a testimony that left its mark on me, about a brother who was hospitalized from an accident at work and close to death, but was totally cured by a miracle. Then the pastor told the church during the sermon that it was beneficial to go to the Voice of God often to get the prayer cloths. He added that no situation resists Brother Branham's prayer.

The next day, I ran to the Voice of God library to get a cloth. The person in charge shared with me several other testimonies from the people who applied the handkerchiefs that Brother Branham had prayed for in accordance with Acts 19:11-12. So I took a handkerchief with the letter that came with it.

I informed my husband of this, and since that day we have been meditating on Brother Branham's letter. We knew that the prophet's prayer was infallible because he had been told that nothing would resist his prayer, not even cancer.

Our faith in the prophet's prayer has been rewarded, for God has answered our request. I tell you dear beloved it only lasted two months and I got pregnant. My child is four months old today.

I bless the Lord for His grace, He is so wonderful, He is alive. I believe in Him and His prophet. May God bless you!

Sister Dalice

Brazzaville, Congo