On The Distribution Trail #3

Monday, December 11th

This day we went to testify to a family at the Bahia de Lobos (wolf bay), an Indian community at the shore of the sea, mostly fishermen.

We got to the home of Brother Juan Bacasehua, a brother that used to attend a Trinitarian church. Our Brother Israel Sol started to visit him because the Lord sent him there, and since that time he had been visiting them and sharing God's Message.

We were taken to the beach and during all this time we were testifying to them about the Message, how important it is to God to reveal His mysteries, and that He sent a prophet to fulfill His Word. When we went back to his house I showed them the video, "The Deep Calling To The Deep," and the "Agapao Tablet Hero Edition." We set the Message in their hands, and now they have to search in their hearts and make their decision about accepting or rejecting it. They seem very interested the entire day of what we were discussing with them.


Tuesday, December 12th

We said goodbye to Brother Israel and his family. We moved on to San Jose de Bacum, where we would meet Brother Ramon Flores, who we would talk about the Agapao Tour. We talked to Brother Ramon and found that he is excited about having us there with the Agapao Tour.

In the evening we went to visit Brother Sergio Flores' church, where I talked about the blessings of God that we are receiving from the MP3 CDs and then the microSD cards, but now we have something that will crown the entire building: the Agapao Tablet.

We spent the night at Brother Ramon Flores' home at San Jose de Bacum.


Wednesday, December 13th

We said goodbye to Brother Ramon Flores and family, and then moved to Ciudad Obregon to visit Brother Ramon Ponce.

We talked to Brother Ponce about the tour, invited him to come to the place where we would have the Agapao Tour. We asked him to be a part of the tour when we come to their city. 

From Ciudad Obregon, we moved to Villa Juarez, where we gathered with Brother Rafael Gonzalez. We showed him the Agapao Tablet and the Hero version. We gave him and his family the chance of using these devices. Their girls, even shy, started at the Cub Corner Magazines, and WOW, they got very familiarized with the use of the tablet really fast! We told to Brother Rafael about the Agapao Tour, looking seeing what is his thinking, where would be better for his church to go, and so forth. Brother Rafael seemed very excited about this tour, wanting to come and help us the best they could.


After about an hour, we said "till we meet again," and then headed back to Monterrey, driving as far as to Torreon, where took a rest. From there we headed to Monterrey.

After this trip, we had covered all the north of Mexico, from Tijuana, Baja California, to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, traveling to high places at about 2,700 meters (9,000ft) above Sea Level, and as low as 10 meters (33ft) under Sea Level. With the Lord's help, we delivered approximately 6,033 Message books. We visited about 200 addresses, big churches of over 300 members, small groups of three members. There is no difference in the burden that God had set on my shoulders of bringing The Message to all of them. It has been almost six months traveling, distributing Eternal Words to the brethren in northern Mexico.

Thank you very much, my dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, for all that you do for the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ in my country. God richly bless you all is our prayer.