
Once again, Brother Barnabas (VGR office manager in Kenya) sends us an inspiring testimony of how the Lord is working in his country. He sent us this testimony in response to the Proud Parents article we posted on April 20, 2010.

That’s a wonderful testimony, Proud Parents. When we keep the children close to the tape, they turn out into Tape Kids and great heroes of faith later in life. Here is one from Kitale.

Sister Nancy, wife of Bro. Peter Gathungu, our Kitale VGR Librarian, recently went down with very high fever. Despite prayers and intercessions, it grew worse and she was bedridden. At 11 AM the third day, she called her husband and said she wanted to make things right with the Lord and the family as she felt she was going. Bro. Gathungu was tongue-tied and didn’t even hear what she was saying, he just stared agape into the distance, paralyzed with shock, as the sister labored through the things she wanted to make right, and she finally fell silent.

At 1 PM the door burst open and in came three noisy little scholars from school, coming for lunch.

“How is Cucu (grandma) doing?” Njogu, age 6, asked. No answer. When he looked at grandpa, then at the patient, he sensed imminent danger.

With no other word, he went straight to the bed at one corner of the room and, laying hands on the sister, he prayed: “God of Brother Branham, who healed thousands of men, women and children like the ones we see on the video, and hear on tapes, and other people read in the books, have mercy on us. Heal Cucu. She has been so good to us, washing our clothes and cooking for us. Now we have no lunch. Guka (grandpa) just can’t cook. He doesn’t even know how to wash our clothes. He is only good at preaching, singing, and showing us the video. Please God of our beloved prophet, heal, lest we all starve!”

Then, raising his left hand with an outstretched finger and slightly tilting his head like he sees the prophet do on the video, he finally cried in desperation: “Lord God, prove to me that you can heal today like you did then so that I can see it and believe! In Jesus Name.”

Silence. Then, very slowly, the sister turned her head and said almost inaudibly, “Your prayer has been heard.”

Thirty minutes later, she rose and made lunch for these little heroes. They got back to school just on time!

When her husband came here last week to pick material for the 50 churches he serves, we spoke on phone to a very cheerful Sister Nancy, who had stared death in the face!

What these tapes are doing in the lives of believers, only Eternity will tell.

Keep it up, VGR Troops!