
Political unrest in Ivory Coast is resulting in a very dangerous situation. Recent disputed presidential elections have further divided this country, which has been struggling to peacefully reunite after a short civil war in 2002. Immediately following the announcement of the election results, violent clashes between law enforcement and protesters resulted in more than 300 people being killed. Sporadic fighting has continued since early December and tension in the country still remains very high. The economy has ground to a halt, with some large companies refusing to do business with the current government. The banking sector is all but shut down, and it has become almost impossible for them to even cash a check or obtain funds to purchase food and supplies.

Although we have received no reports of believers being injured or killed, there is a high concentration of believers in the areas of the most intense fighting. Even if they can stay away from the fighting, they are still suffering because of the banking situation. Many believers that are able are fleeing to neighboring Ghana.

This is a very dangerous situation, so please pray for the believers in Ivory Coast, Africa.